Week in Review w/ DITL Vlog and Weekly To Do's October 12 -19, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. However this week, I am only sharing one vlog. Hope you enjoy!

This past week:

Life around our house has been pretty busy. Things have changed up not only with things around here but also with the seasons, the weather and so much more. For a while I have felt pretty defeated and behind. However, the past few days I feel like I am a little more caught up and hopefully by the end of the week, I will actually be really caught up. I decided just to get the house back in order I would basically zone clean my entire house in one week. Here's the breakdown of how I will be getting it done. 

I will still continue my daily routines and also do my weekly cleaning in the middle of the week however I am adding...

Monday: Living Room & 1st floor Bath
Tuesday: Dining Room & Stairs
Wednesday: Bedrooms & 2nd floor hallway
Thursday: 2nd floor Bathrooms & Laundry Room
Friday: Kitchen
Saturday: Kitchen
Sunday: Garage & Porches

That's a lot right!? Well I figure if I really bust my butt in those areas on the particular days I will be able to rest and feel a lot better. My plans are to declutter the area first and fast. Then do some deep cleaning. I don't mind if I have to work into the evenings to get things cleaned up and organized. It doesn't have to be perfect but I really want to concentrate and be productive and maybe just maybe feel caught up even if it is just for a short time. :) I gave the kitchen 2 days because I feel like that room on its own is going to take a while. And anything else I want to get done, I can include after this week. I am sure there will be many things that I miss but hopefully this plan will work.  Follow along if you wish! 

Besides that, life has been really good around here. We got to see Scott a little bit more this past week which is nice and unusual at the same time. We have made some great family memories and we have even been enjoying the Harry Potter series. 

Yep! I totally wanted to see all the movies in order and I think we are up to the 5th movie. It's been fun. :) I also just started a new series that I had heard a lot about just never took the time to watch it. → The Good Wife. I just started watching this last night and didn't even realize that there is 7 series so far and it's still on. 7 years on the air is a long time for a weekly show. After watching 3 episodes  I am hooked and really like it! With the cooler weather we have been turning on the tv more and enjoying some tv. I wish I would have found this series over the summer when there was nothing on o-well! It's an option for nights when I don't find anything on. 

Our weekend was pretty easy going. We did go out for burgers on Saturday night but that was about it. We stayed in and enjoyed our time together. Sunday it was all about resting for the first part of the day and then as evening approached, we started prepping for the new week. Thank goodness I am caught up on a lot of the household chores since I want to do so much around the house. I feel like today I am getting a late start considering it took a while to get this post done, plus all kinds phone calls coming in and going out. I still have a lot of hours today and the two rooms I am working in today are not huge but it will take me some time. Actually here are some of my to do's for this week....

:: Get focused on what tasks I really want to accomplished this week. NO Excuses.
:: Answer Emails
:: Buy birthday cards that need mailed.
:: Pre record as many videos for this week today and tomorrow.
:: Get ass back on treadmill. 
:: Get nails done or paint them myself. 
:: Clean up desk and file papers away. 
:: Clean up dvr
:: Finish planning for Jackson's vacation.
:: Clean out cat boxes...Yuck!
:: Decorate house for fall. 
:: Seriously look for some firewood...it's really starting to cool down outside!
:: Update chalkboard walls.
:: Go spend all my Khols cash before they expire! :)
:: Toss out old grill.
:: Clean up old files on laptop.
:: Get my ass back on the treadmill.
:: Wash sweaters and jackets this week.
:: Try to brush out a kitty cat a night till all of them are done.
:: Continue not drinking sodas.

I didn't get a Sunday inspiration post up yesterday. It's hard to write a spiritual kind of blog post while Harry Potter is blaring through the speakers on the tv! But I did want to say that I am so amazed by Gods grace even in times of complete and utter disappointment, worry, doubt and so on. I was totally feeling defeated in an area in our room which left me feeling sad and I didn't believe anything good was going to happen. At that point, I really did just give up. I told God he could totally take over because I was at a loss of what else to do. I felt like our family was really trying but seeing no results. A week or so after praying and just giving it to God, a beautiful miracle happened. It just goes to show that maybe you just have to surrender sometimes and let the universe take of you and your troubles. If you are trying to do right and still not getting the results you want or need I suggest just letting it go. I felt a little sad just giving up but when I did God jumped right in and showed me how blessed we really are. It was a wonderful reminder that miracles big and small are always possible with his love and help. 

Thank you guys so much for stopping by and getting to know us a little better. I really appreciate each one of you and I hope you have a wonderful week! xx

K Jaggers
2 comments on "Week in Review w/ DITL Vlog and Weekly To Do's October 12 -19, 2015"
  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm going to try to do the same with cleaning, I might have to stretch it out longer than a week though. Too much going on with work and kids stuff. I also agree with you about giving things to God. It's so hard for us to do but we also know it works. Hope you have a great week!


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