Dear Laci, your life looks so fun. No one will ever be able to say you haven't lived each day to it's max. Dear Brittany, I can't believe in just a couple days, you will be 14 years old. The day you were born was one of the best days of my life. I couldn't be more in love with you and proud of you. You and the rest of the kids have blessed my life in ways I never would have expected or deserved. Dear Coffee, you are exactly what I needed right now. Yummmm. Dear November, I can't believe how fast you are coming. Why does time feel like it is flying by? Dear The Good Wife, I am beyond hooked! I love everything to do with the show and trying to catch up through 7 seasons at night. I wonder how long that will take!? Dear Life, would you please slow down. Dear Mom, I am glad you are having fun. Its a weird feeling going home isn't it. Tell everyone I say hello. Dear Senior Deputy Ben Fields, If you would have tossed one of my kids around a classroom like that there would be a totally case. I am so glad you got fired. You don't deserve to work around our kids when you are willing to do that over a young girl and cell phone. There were a million other ways to handle it but instead you lost your cool and abused a already troubled girl. Pathetic. Dear Bon Appetit Magazine, I gain 10lbs just looking through you. Dear Jackson, please start being a little nicer to your family. We love and support you. Dear Romeo, you are the most beautiful majestic kitty cat around. I want to clone you.
Dear House, I dream of having you packed up and a Uhal truck in the driveway. Until then...we are stuck together. Dear Trina, I am glad you are doing well working out and loosing weight. :) I am trying to get back at it myself. Dear Shanna, I am glad things are staring to get back to normal for you. I am happy your family is whole again! Dear Planner, you saved me a long time ago and I am so thankful for you. Dear Nails, your sparkly color is fun but totally not me. I don't know why I even try. I feel more like a teenager than adult with this polish on. Dear Emails, I am just starting to get caught up on you. You come flying in and it seems like it never slows down. I love you guys and I love your emails! No complaints...just a lot to respond to! :) Dear Scott, I think I am jealous of you dozing and snoring in the big chair right beside of me. Sleep sounds nice. Please don't forget to take out the trash in the morning. Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Thank you guys for being patient with me. I am working hard on getting caught up. I have really missed you and I have missed this blog, my videos..all of it. I'll see ya tomorrow. xx I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!
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