Happy Friday friends! Here is another edition of Friday Letters. - in no particular order!
Dear God, Please give me more patience while I deal with the outside world. I need to be more understanding even with people who seek to lie about me and hurt me. Thank you for listening to my prayers and more importantly thank you for protecting our kids.
Dear Rain, thanks for taking out our electricity last night. Now I have to figure out a way to go back and watch all my Thursday night shows. AND THEY WERE ALL SEASON PREMIERS! Thanks a lot.
Dear Cooper, You look so peaceful lying on your bed right now. And it has to feel better on your elbows and hips.
Dear Coffee, you are like my sweet treat for the day. I might give up soft drinks for the most part but I NOT giving my coffee. No way...no how!

Dear Scott, sorry you were so cold last night. I think it was just the cold rain coming down. I hope today is not so stressful for you. I love you.
Dear Pope Francis, I am a Catholic but I don't really practice it. After years of Catholic school, I just couldn't handle it any longer. However just seeing your presence in our country and the love you have and are spreading is infectious. And your message do unto others as you would want others to do to you was powerful. It reminded me that I have to remember that my feisty temper is not always the best answer. May God be with you.
Dear Body, I am working on making you healthier and stronger. Hopefully you will thank me one day.
Dear Laci, I am so happy you had a great birthday. I love you so much and glad that you are doing good at work and home. It's all about balance I guess. I am going to work on getting you a fitbit! :) I want mom to get one too.
Dear John Boehner, Your sudden departure as Speaker of the House, was shocking today. I just didn't think that would happen. And you made me totally happy with that announcement. But just maybe it's because you too are tired of the direction your party is going in. I wish you well.
Dear Brittany, I love you so much. All I want is for you the rest of the kids to be able to take yourselves, be good citizens and make a difference. Your everything to me and I am so proud of you.

Dear TV, I have to admit that you have gotten better this past week. However, the rain ruined all the new Thursday night shows. * Sigh
Dear Trina, I am so thankful for all your help and advice. I am so glad you are getting a new fitbit and joining in! I can't wait. :) We love you.
Dear Treadmill, we have some more work to do today. 5 miles and I want to get them all in before the sunsets. I use to hate you but not so much anymore.
Dear Jackson, thank you for making more of a effort this past week at school. I know it's not your favorite thing to do but it's really the only thing you have to focus on right now. Just keep trying and we are always here to help you. I love you.
Dear Miranda Kerr, I have always thought you were knock dead gorgeous but after reading this story, I see the beauty goes way deeper than the outside. I am sure those elephants will thank you too.
Dear Laura, I am so proud of you for everything you are doing. I know it's not easy starting a new job but you made it through the first week!!!! :) It's a start and you worked hard in college to get this start. We love you and your dad and I are so very proud of you.
Dear Planning Stickers, I love you. End of story.
Dear Kim Davis, I tear you apart not because of your beliefs but because you hold a public office sworn to uphold the laws of our country. Same sex marriage is legal. You have to deal with that or step down. And your taking your name off the form is not right. You are the clerk....if you don't want your name on there, quit. I support you in your beliefs. I really do. You don't have to like gay marriage but being a public servant, you have to serve our public no matter who they are.
Dear Grandma, I know I don't call like I use to. I miss you so much. We use to talk 4-5 times a day and it's been hard not having you in my everyday life. It's actually heartbreaking. I know you won't read this but somehow maybe the energy from the universe will travel this message around until it reaches you soul. I love you grandma and I am sorry I am not there. I think Rick is trying his best to take care of you and I am sorry if things don't make sense. Your family really does love you. I think it's just hard for them to deal with too. Next time I come up there, I promise I will come see you.
Dear Conservatives, I know you might think you landed on the wrong blog. Don't think that. We might not see eye to eye on Kim Davis, Republicans, and so on but I like hearing your point of view too. Mine are simply different. BUT... I live with a conservative republican and you can totally be on team Scott! :) I can't wait till the next debate.
Dear Mom, thank you for being so inspirational. I know you know what you are talking about. I just have to put in the effort. And again, if I turn into some super mega bitch in the next few days, I ask for forgiveness ahead of time. No Mountain Dew or soft drinks from today on will probably shock my body and mind. I am going to continue sweet tea sometimes but mostly water from this point out.....wish me luck!
Dear Wind, I am surprised you haven't shredded our umbrella or took it for a ride out in the yard or our neighbors yard. I probably wouldn't go fetch it either. It's just so nasty outside but we needed the rain.
Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Even though there is enough crazy in this world, you guys that have came along with this journey for YEARS who have inspired us, is why I write on this blog and make videos. I am so thankful for the wonderful friendships and relationships that I have made from this. I am thankful for the smart and loving village we have made together where we support each other and lift each other up. You guys have given me some of the best advice on everything and I will never forget it. If you are new here, join in...and share your thoughts and opinions. ♥
Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Even though there is enough crazy in this world, you guys that have came along with this journey for YEARS who have inspired us, is why I write on this blog and make videos. I am so thankful for the wonderful friendships and relationships that I have made from this. I am thankful for the smart and loving village we have made together where we support each other and lift each other up. You guys have given me some of the best advice on everything and I will never forget it. If you are new here, join in...and share your thoughts and opinions. ♥
Thank you guys for stopping by. I am going to go get in a workout on the treadmill for a while and then get some things done around the house. It's storming right now and it's quiet in the house. I should have a new video up in a couple hours. Come back and check it out! xx
K Jaggers
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