Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So here is the most recent day in the life vlog from this past weekend. Hope you enjoy!
* And I just want to point out that I was not picking on Jackson in the video. In some of the comments, a few of you guys didn't like me speaking of Jackson and his grades. We work hard with him and expect him to do well. We are very involved and we care. He has to mature and grow up a little more so he can get serious about what he needs to do in school.
And here is the day in the life vlog from the beginning of the week! I have already posted this but I like to share it again in the week in review post because both vlogs were from the same week.
This past week:
Life was pretty calm. I don't really mind it either. There were no travels, no big surprises, and nothing that didn't really catch us off guard. I shopped and got our home stocked up with a few of the necessities, Coopers bed came in ( and thank you for all your comments and advice on the video ) and started him on a new diet. More pumpkin...less food. We had more rain this week than what we had in a while. Even today, it looks like it is about to pour down. I am grateful after seeing all the fires happening out west. Fall is here though. No matter how much I have been in denial, it has crept up and hit us. Leaves are coming down pretty much every minute of the day. Less sun it seems. Flowers dying back. Another season has arrived.
Scott worked a lot of hours this past week. It amazing that after such long hours that he can come home happy....exhausted but happy! Sometimes its hard when I am already tired to deal with the excitement of the house when he walks through the door but he has the ability to put a smile on anyone's face; which is probably why he is such a good salesmen. I occupied my time around the house, searching for hedgehog birthday gifts, and playing with new washi tape and stickers that have been arriving. I have also been trying to get on the treadmill more and even started a basic workout dvd that I really don't care for that much but it's helping me stretch out my muscles more and so on. I am not a work out happy person but a little exercise does the body good!
Saturday after Scott got off work we went out for a night on the town! :) Well...kinda. We were suppose to go to dinner and a movie but Scott rolled in late and we didn't have time to go sit down and eat. Instead we went to probably the worst Mc Donalds I have ever been to. It was awful. I didn't eat anything and complained the entire time. I actually had a comment on the What's Cookin Video wondering why I hated dinner being I love fast food. I don't love Mc Donalds ever. I love Chic Fila. And even if we did like Mickey D's; which Jackson does like a lot doesn't mean we are happy with bad service or food no matter where we are. It was probably the worst fast food experience I have had in a while. I kinda let that go when we got to the movies and I got a few treats to hold me over. We were at the Imax to see Everst which I was excited to see but being in a theater makes me feel nervous. I feel like we are sitting ducks in the dark but Scott assured me that all go well. Besides a few glances at the exits from time to time, we were able to enjoy the movie in 3d with our silly glasses. The movie was really good and sad at the same time. After I got home I really researched all the people in that expedition.
9 people in the photo above died on that mountain in 1996. It was a great movie to see yet heart breaking.

Today started a little early today. I got up with both the boys and finished up the vlog that I should have finished last night instead of watching zombie movies.
Here's a little of what I have going on around here this week:
- Dr. apt for Jackson
- Zone cleaning the kitchen
- Bathing a couple of the cats.
- Meet with Jackson's teachers.
- Start getting out fall decorations
- Run more on the treadmill. Each day go longer.
- Spend time at the desk paying bills.
- Make time to read more
- Food prep some dinners for a few nights.
- Work on finding blogs to sponsor this month.
- Brush out kitty cats.
- Menu plan for next week.
- Go pick some apples with the boys...and bake pie
- Get flu shots sometime this week maybe...next week.
- Make run to post office to mail giveaway prizes and boxes for the girls.
- Clean blinds through out the house.
- File papers away
- Buy Jackson a new planner of sorts.
- Prepare for all the October birthdays.
- Make more yummy granola bars...and I will be recording and sharing the recipe soon!
- Clean out trashcans with soap and a disinfectant.
- Have Scott fill up bird feeder. He hung it too high for me to fill.
- Journal more.
- Finalize fall trip. I'll tell ya more about that soon!
- Start 21 day Beach Body Program. Yep. you read that right. My mom is a big believer in it so hey...I guess I am going to listen to her and give it a try!
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week:
Thank you guys for stopping by. Yesterday I was having some editing and computer issues going on through the day and it took forever to get the most recent vlog live on youtube. Sorry...you know how I hate the schedule to be messed up! How's your Tuesday going? Scott is working today :( which sucks but I guess I have more time to get things done I guess.
K Jaggers
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