Week in Review w/ DITL Vlog and Weekly To Do's July 26 - August 3, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. Here is our latest Day in the Life Vlog....lots more below! 

Here's more about our week:

I really started this week in review in the vlog and along with this blog post from Saturday of last week. With so much stuff going on right now, I have only been posting one vlog a week right now so I just included it all. After we got back from our Biltmore Mini Vacation, we had a little more school shopping to do. I wasn't really up for it but I did get a little rest before hand and went out to a bunch more stores trying to finish up Brittany's shopping. It was our last big day together and I wanted to have a great time with her even though it was pretty bitter sweet. It's not easy being away from her but instead of making that our focus, we both know that it's not forever. She knows how much I love her and I actually know and feel the love she has for me even through these complicated teen-age years. I have always always felt that the kids are the best things I have contributed to this world. They are all smart loving kids who make me proud everyday. Even my step children are amazing loving kids who have blessed me in so many ways. Brittany and I tried to not cry on the morning her dad picked her up and dropped Jackson off. She had a ton of things going on that same day so we focused on that and said our goodbyes with lots of hugs and kisses. Jackson seemed good with the switch as well. Normally for him it's a bit harder but this year was a little different. Again, I think all the kids are getting older and realize it's not going to be forever before we all see each other again. 

Once we got back home it was time for a small break. I was just exhausted and for a couple of days I just laid around and kinda moped around. I wasn't sleeping well and I was waking up feeling so heavy. Maybe it was a light form of depression but I really think it was more exhaustion than anything else. A couple of days later, I got feeling better and started working around the house and getting things ready for Jackson to go back to school. Brittany has school start sooner for her and Jackson starts August 17. I love this time of year with all the new school supplies :) , a fresh school year, all of it. We break school shopping down because of the different things needed from school supplies to clothes. This past week, we knocked out the school supplies and we also knocked out one of the pre school appoitments. We headed to the dentist for a cleaning and handled it really good. 
I was happy to hear he had been brushing good and had no cavities. YEA! It's also about time for braces. But one appointment down...4 more to go.
Scott and I both thought it was time for Jackson to have a little more responsibility than emptying the dishwasher out. Yesterday he had his first lesson on the riding mower. We have a huge back yard and it takes hours even riding along doing it but it was a great lesson for him. as a mom I was a little nervous but he has to learn sometime. His lines were not that straight but he learned pretty fast and he will be doing it again next week. It's hard to know when to let them do more or push them to do more. Jackson would have loved nothing more than to be off that mower and be on the xbox but it wasn't an option. He's doing better with playing more outside but it's been so hot a lot of the kids have been waiting until the evening hours. That's about the time I have been opening the door and windows too. I love the warm weather but I want to be able to have the windows open all the time! I want the fresh air flowing through our home. But with such hot days, it's next to impossible to leave them open during the day. 

Also over the week, I also upgraded my operating system to: 

I am a happy PC user. I really am. I have not felt the need to switch to Apple anything. Recently I started considering getting a new iphone just so I can facetime easily with Brittany and Jackson but computer wise I am happy using my Dell Laptop. Windows just released Windows 10 which is free right now for all of us. I went through the upgrade and I like it much better than Windows 8.1 and it seems very efficient to me. There were a couple bugs along the way but I couldn't figure out how to fix with google. It working great and so far I like it. :) Have you switched over yet? What do you think of it?? 

This past week for me was about allowing myself to rest and then slowly start catching back up with all the details of everyday life. I have accomplished big and small tasks around the house yet I still have a lot to do. I haven't pushed myself like crazy because we all need breaks from time to time. But in these next few weeks before school there is a lot to get done...

- Register Jackson tomorrow for 7th grade. 
- Answer youtube comments 
- Start/Finish back to school clothing shopping. 
- Start a new dinner routine where I am not cooking at 9pm. That is about over. 
- Make time to get back on treadmill. 
- Start looking online for a new house. Why not?
- Pick up Ipad from repair shop
- Get Jackson on a new sleep routine. 
- Convince hubby the time for a puppy is now!!
- Put away laundry waiting on me. 
- Clean up DVR
- Clean up pantry...it looks ransacked right now. Thanks Jackson.
- Eat from the freezer a little more. 
- On a cooler day, do a quick pick up of the garage. 
- Work in planner. 
- Buy new vacuum belt. 
-Get to bed earlier each night so I feel better in the mornings. 
- Answer emails...sorry if you have been waiting. 
- Pick one day and film a lot of videos and edit later. 
- Order Jackson's new backpack. 
- Start new health journal...in detail. 
- Water plants
- Get Brittany's box together and get it mailed off. 
- Clean pet dishes
- Declutter - Throw more stuff away that we don't need or use. 
- Replace burnt out light bulbs
- Drink more water 
- Dump photos/videos from phone to make more space. 

And I am sure there will be many more lists made throughout the week. It's a busy time and I am trying to get back into the normal groove of things from earlier dinners, earlier bedtimes, different cleaning and working times. This time of year brings change for so many of us. How are you coping with getting things ready so the kids can go back to school? 

Here's some inspiration to take with you along through the week...

Thank you guys so much for stopping by. I hope your having a great Monday. I have switched my schedule around some so today is mostly desk work with a few household chores like dreaded laundry! But I have found with moving cleaning day to Wednesdays, feels easier because I get things done before hand without feeling rushed. So it's working out! Thank you guys for coming back and sharing our lives with you. I feel as if you are friends I have known for many years ( actually it's been years ha! ) and you guys are such a blessing.  I love getting to know you and I appreciate your kindness. I hope you have a great week... if you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few minutes to get subscribed! 
