Friday Letters

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hello friends...happy happy Friday! I can't believe how fast this week went by. Here is another edition of Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy!

Dear God, Could you please send some kind of help for my hurting hip? I hate to ask but it's make life down here pretty difficult. I wonder everyday what is going to happen next but really I need to put my trust in you. Thank you for listening to my prayers. Dear Jackson, thanks for the last minute project last night. Honestly, I should have let you deal with the outcome of not having it done. You have to be more responsible. And don't forget to thank Scott. I love you. Dear New Blog Design, I seriously love you. I was so badly wanting to make a big change and I think I love you more than any other design from the past. Thank you for working so well. Dear Cooper, I think we should probably get you to the vet soon over your leg. It just doesn't look good. Dear Scott, I don't even want to get started but I am growing very impatient with your work hours. I guess most of the others there don't have families of their owns huh? I love you but we have to figure something out. Dear Mom, hope things are well. I miss and love you! Dear Heat, stay away for a while today. I would like a cool breezy afternoon please! Dear Josh Duggar, you have some serious issues. I think maybe you and that Subway guy should share a cell. Dear Grandma, I miss you. Sorry I don't check on you as much. I feel out of place calling. Just know I carry you around in my heart day by day. Dear Widows 10, I just couldn't leave you off the computer. Before installing my new blog template...I uploaded you again and things are working great! I like you much better than 8.1. Dear Brittany Belle, I miss you and I am moving home just so I can be one of those helicopter moms hovering over you all the time! :) I love you. Dear Fruit Flies, where are you guys coming from? You'll have a much longer life if you will just stay outside. Dear Dad, I haven't felt you around for a while. I miss you everyday and I hope you know how important you were in my life. Dear Coffee, I need more of you! Dear Laura, I hope your night went well. We are here to simply love and support you at all times. I'll call you in a bit.  Dear Hair, I like you so much better a little shorter. Dear Z, We love you and we hope you really know that. We might not be perfect but we are learning as we go. Dear Mornings, I don't know what is going on but I am working hard to keep up with you. Actually my body doesn't really have a choice. I just spring out of bed now but I'm not complaining. It's been good to have more time to accomplish more. Dear Awful Hateful Person in this story, I really believe there is a place in hell for you. What are have been doing is terrible and I hope you are arrested, procsuted and fined beyond belief for your behavior. Dear Trina, Thank you for being you. We love you dearly and I loved having you, Vicki and the baby here. Dear TV, you are worthless right now. I wish all the new shows would start again. Here lately, I just leave you off and dont mind the silence one bit. Dear Jordan, I don't know why you are so filled with hate but you have the power to change it at anytime. We love you.  Dear Donald Trump, you are doing better than I or I suspect...anyone thought you would. Who knows what will happen, you might just get in! Dear First Lieutenant Kristen Griest and Captain Shaye Haver, You girls rock and I love that you both passed Ranger School. It's amazing to see such strong woman going for it. I totally bow down to you. Dear Shanna, I got even more tired just listening to you about your day. I hope you are getting some rest this morning! Dear North Korea, China better get you under control otherwise left to your own devices, you will blow everyone up. I couldn't feel more sorry for the south. Dear Romeo, I love how you walk all the way across the room for me Cooper. You sure love that dog and I love you kitty! Dear mspy, you guys are making me so mad today. Please process my refund. Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, It's Friday! I bet many of you guys are super happy about it too! :) Thank you guys for coming back and sharing our lives with us. I love you guys and I hope you have a great weekend!

I have a ton of things I need to try to get done today so I can relax this weekend which includes shopping that I just don't want to go do. I have been up since 7 and I am still in my pjs enjoying coffee! Gotta get motivated. I'll talk to you guys in a bit. xx
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