Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. However this week, I am only sharing one vlog. There was just not that much going on. I actually debated putting this up, because it's kinda emotional at certain parts. Just know that I am forging on with a new day and a new week. Hope you enjoy.

Through out this week, a lot of new things arrived that I am in total love with. Who doesn't love Amazon!? And to top it off, I got a big package in of a lot of new Bare Mineral Makeup. If you haven't seen the haul, it's right here. I am amazed at how well the Bare Minerals holds up through out the day and to make it even better, it's been really good for my skin. I plan on doing a get ready with me video sometime soon to show you how I use the products. :) Stay tuned!
I also finally got the Blog Inc. book that I had been thinking about for a while. I know I have been blogging and doing my thing for years but I thought it might be an interesting read. I also think I need to order one for my sister in law and or oldest daughter Laura too.
The week seemed to pass pretty quick. We had open house at Jackson's school where we got to meet his teachers for this year. And before I knew it Friday was upon us. I decided that I would go out and do some shopping only to switch things up...and get my hair cut. I know a lot of women love their long locks but for me, I am just over it. I think longer hair on me just weighs me down and a shorter bob is so much easier and more comfortable. My best friend was watching a video on Friday and pointed it that I was wayyyyy past needing a trim! She was right. It feels so much better. Right after, I headed to my local Walmart to pick up a few thing we needed for the weekend.
If you want to check out the haul, it's right here. I wanted to make sure we had enough food and drinks in the house because my sister in law, her daughter and grandson was coming up to hang out and buy a car from Scott. I grabbed some fresh flowers and quick grocery items only to come home and bake some banana bread.
I thought this would be a great breakfast bread to have around for our house guests. It was super easy to make...I recorded the recipe and it should be up this week sometime. But let me tell you, it's so easy to make and so delicious to eat. I actually just finished it up this morning!
Late Friday night they arrived and Saturday we were at the dealership helping Vicki get her first true car that she is responsible for. Vicki's baby boy is Christian and he's such a sweet baby. He did really good at the dealership and had fun running all around!
We went for a delicious lunch...did some shopping afterwards and waited for Scott to get home. It seemed like forever but he was home about 9pm. We all loaded up for a quick and easy dinner at the Cracker Barrel. At that point I wasn't in the best of moods but we managed to eat dinner and I got home and ended up in bed rather fast.
On Sunday, they took off and I started preparing for Jackson to head back to school today. I can't believe we have actually started a new school year today but we had a lot to get ready last night. It included a much earlier dinner, packing up his new backpack with all the new school supplies, getting lunch made...earlier baths and an earlier bedtime for all of us.
It's kind weird today not having anyone here with me. I don't really mind because it's been busy around here with Jackson home for weeks on end, house guests coming in for a quick visit...and so much more. However, there are tons of things I need to try to get done this week...↓
- Work in planner and figure out this week in detail.
- Remember to put the trash out on Monday's instead of Fridays
- Try to be more forgiving of Scott.
- Clean out pantry and film
- Update chalkboard walls
- Fill up birdfeeders
- Quick frig clean out
- Bake some cookies
- Order some new stickers from Etsy
- Water the plants
- Clean up cat boxes- Toss laundry around....like always!
- Make sure Jackson gets to bed early from this point on. We don't want naps happening in the classroom!
- Call and find Scott a CPR class.
- Look for grills to go on sale and BUY ONE!
- Pick up prescriptions from Walgreens
- Get back on schedule with Zone cleaning
- Call and check on Jackson's new glasses.
- Look for another house in the same area
- Keep getting to bed at a decent time.
- Wash bedding...today!
- Pre record some videos fro this week...just to make it easier.
- Run to PO Box
- Keep morning appointments on the Treadmill. Yuck!
- Enter the text codes in my phone to get updates from Jackson's teachers.
- Clean pet dishes
- Send ATT a thank you. I can't tell you why but I am sold...ATT forever.
- Pre-Order some new books.
- Pull faded plants from the yard.
- Make Lavender and Honey cupcakes.
- Start thinking of Labor day plans.
- Clean light fixtures throughout the house.
- Replace water in fresh flowers
- Call and make Cooper a Vet appointment.
- Return a backpack to LL Bean.. Jackson didn't like it
- Make time for a manicure.
Here's some inspiration to take with you throughout the week:
Thank you so much for stopping by. I plan on keeping busy with things around the house. I have tried to get post up for hours on end but I have stopped and worked on this or that...taken phone calls and so much more. But I hope you are having a great Tuesday...I'll see ya soon! Thanks for stopping by.