Happy Sunday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day. It's such a beautiful day around here. The windows are open, the birds are singing, the sun is shinning and I feel God in everything.
I have been thinking a lot here lately of a few people in our lives who are having difficult times. I don't assume to know everything but in their own ways they seem totally in despair. It's a feeling I have known well over the years myself. Maybe that's why I can recognize it in others so easily. For all of us, if we are still breathing...and the sun rises on another day; it is not too late to change things to how you really want and need them to be. Throughout my life I have made a lot of wrong turns ( at least they were wrong in my head ) but because of my family and mostly God, I still found my way to a better place. None of us are our mistakes. Really those mistakes are suppose to be a powerful force that teaches you a particular lesson. And if you don't get the lesson, it will keep coming harder and harder until you do. At least that is what I have found.
God understands the struggles we all have. He gives us hope and other options and even without our knowledge guides us to where we need to be, if we simply let him. John 13:7 reminds us all that → You don't understand now what I am doing but someday you will. ← Our life with our kids and family is not always easy. We still struggle and wonder why things are happening. But I trust that God will see us through everything. I trust that all our short comings will be forgiven. I trust God will take care of my kids, my family, myself.....our world. I hope though, you guys remember we all free will. We can make our own decisions, we can make mistakes, and hopefully our spirits will grow all the way through.
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. Psalm 39:7