Dear God, Thank you for hearing our prayers about our kids and family. I think a lot of our last trip south went well because you heard not only my prayers but also the prayers going up from friends and family. Also God, I miss my grandfather/dad. I've asked him myself to come visit me in my dreams and nothing. Maybe he is up there hanging out with a lot of the family but I could use your help. Could just help him understand how much I want to see him. I think there is always going to be a hole in my heart and soul with him being gone. Dear Savolopoulos family, I am so sorry for what you went through. No family deserves to be terrorized in their own homes. It's one of my worst fears. We lift you up in our prayers. Dear Romeo, you are so cute and cuddly. I like to think I can speak kitty cat but I seriously have no idea why you kept meowing at me earlier. Dear Brittany, could you please stop wasting food at your dads house and don't forget to be nicer to him. I am tired of you guys fighting. I love and miss you. Dear Spare Bedroom, I really want to get you cleaned up..and move everything into the garage that we have stored. I am guessing lots of stuff will end up in the trash. Dear Mom, I hope you have been enjoying you quiet week. :) I love you and we are going to see each other in about 3 weeks for vacation!!! Yea! Dear Scott, Thank you for getting things figured out. I know it's been a bit stressful here but we are fine and being we are doing what's right...everything else should fall into place. I love you. Dear Body, why do you feel like you are having a heat flash right now at 2am? Maybe I should check the air. Thank you for healing my knee up. Now it's time to get back on the treadmill. Dear Jackson, you are getting a little more moody like Brittany Belle. I know you are teenagers now but come on. Be nice and remember that we are parents are not perfect but we try and we love you. Dear TV, you are about as useless as ever right now. Nothing good on expect CNN and one can only take so much of that. I kinda wish of doing away with you but the boys would kill me. But who needs you with Netflix and Amazon Instant Video???Dear Laura, We miss you! You are such a sweetheart. We are going to have to catch up sometime over the weekend. Dear Inkwell Press, I love your planners. Please don't change up the classic layout too much for your 2016 planners! Dear Jordan, I hope you know that I love and miss you. Dear Skin, what is going on with you? You are so discolored and a mess right now. Thanks a lot. I just love surprises. Dear Shanna, I think I am just as happy about you moving as you are! I love you. You are a true best friend and I can't wait to come visit! Dear Zane, I loved seeing you. You look just like your dad! We love and miss you. Dear Bird Feeder, I have sat for countless minutes watching the neighborhood birds flock to you. Who knew I liked bird watching! Dear Laci, I miss you. I can't wait to see you on that big boat in a few weeks too. Dear Riley Parks, Thanks for the giggles this week! Dear Trina, thank you for all your love. People would die if they heard some of our conversations!! Your a wonderful sister in law and I am so grateful you are someone