Dear God, Thank you for always showing me the beauty even in the smallest items and thank you for listening to my prayers each day and night. Dear New Computer, so far so good. It's been a long road searching for a laptop I would like, and you made the cut...lets work well together! Dear Brittany, A D on your midterm in math is going to get you in serious trouble if you don't get it raised. I love you and don't want to complain but you have to keep your grades up for college. Dear Romeo, wake up!! Your making me jealous. Dear Will and Kate, you can have that new royal baby anytime now!! I keep waiting for it to pop up on the news....come on already! Dear Mom, Glad you finally got my email right silly! Thanks for the list. I love and miss you! Dear Scott, thank you so much for working hard to give me, us, our family what we need and want. I would be lost without you without a doubt. Dear Schedule, you have been such a mess with the computer being mess. Endless hours spent trying to troubleshoot but I really hope things get back to normal. Dear Laci, so sorry that your kitty cat is not feeling you a high Vet bill. That's life when you are a animal lover/owner. I'm just glad he will be ok. I love you sis...can't wait to see you on that big boat! Dear Sleep, after a night of my body feeling tired, heavy, swollen, and depleted you sure made me feel better. It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do. Thank you for helping make me feel better today. Dear Zane, I think knowing that you are ok and feel safe right now is the only thing that makes this entire situation ok. We love you and want you to be happy even if that's not here with us. It hurts but more than anything we want you to be ok. We are here for you and love you. Dear Hair, it's seriously time to get you cut. Dear Jackson, I am a little worried about you right now after the problem on the bus... maybe I should text you. Yep...that's what I am going to do. Dear Trina, thank you for being someone I can trust with any and everything. I love you...we love you. Maybe one weekend you can hop in the car and come for a visit! Dear Coffee, you taste amazing! Dear Laura, I know things are stressful right now with a house full of babies. I promise it will get easier. Try to take some time to yourself when you can...we moms need breaks. Your dad and I love you. Dear Freddie Gray, Your death is not in vein. All those officers are going to have to face the music for what they did to you. No matter what your record looks like from the past, you did not deserve to die. Maybe something good will come from you leaving this earth. Maybe now you can rest in peace. Dear Stomach, why are you hurting so much? Maybe that pizza last night was not a good idea! Dear Shanna, I can't wait for you to call me up and say.....I'm moving today! I am so excited for you.....and I know it's the best decision. Dear new car, I am thankful for you. I really am. You are certainly easier to drive than the bug. Dear Jordan, I am sorry that maybe I hurt your feelings the other evening. I simply don't like how you are acting. It's time for you to come out of your comfort zone and try something new...with no anger or pain. Just a desire to go in a different direction. I love you and that will never change. Dear Gabby, I think - I know you are a kitty cat with a human spirit. It's crazy how you act like just a person. I wonder who's soul jumped into your body. Dear Emily, I am so sorry about your husband. I will keep you guys in my prayers. Dear Blog/Youtube friends, thank you guys for stopping by, watching our videos, commenting and letting us get to know you a little better too. I know things have been kinda crazy with all the computer issues but we are back up and running so the schedule should pick up! I hope you guys have a beautiful and blessed Friday! xx