- I love the rain. I truly do. It brings life, it's cleansing, and its tranquil. But it's not good for the motivation. I just want to sit around with a cup of hot tea and read all day. We need sunshine for me to stay busy!
- I have no idea what to get my mom for Mothers Day. I need to start thinking about it NOW!
- I love technology but sometimes its so annoying. Today the phone was ringing. On the tablet emails were flying in, and the computer was doing updates. I am still on the hunt for the right laptop. I am confident that eventually I will find it.
- I have put off buying new furniture because I wanted to wait until we got to Florida. However, I have my doubts that we are moving anytime soon so maybe it's time to really start shopping.
- I seriously have one of the most beautiful cats God has ever created. I can't help it. I just love him so much.
- Hilary is in the race. It's no secret that I want her to win. It's going to be a battle but I think she can do it if she gets out there and starts shaking hands and kissing babies. Work hard Hilary..many of us are hoping you can do it. The deck is stacked against you but show those boys they are inexperienced compared to you. I want her to show them up.
- Jodi Arias finally got life in prison without the possibility of parole. It only took 2 trials and 4 years. I couldn't imagine ever doing that to someone I once loved. I watched it all on tv and it was so emotional.
- I didn't walk on the treadmill yesterday. I should have but I had a lot to do and I just didn't feel like it. But I am going to try to carve some time in for a walk/run today. I seriously have a love hate relationship with the treadmill.
- Scott is home today. We have had a fun day date out eating lunch, shopping, errands, laughter, and and love. I seriously do love that man....even though we drive each other nuts sometimes.
- I am so frustrated with the government offices in Louisiana. No wonder so many people hate them. I just don't get it....if they wanted to help families, they could start by returning phone calls. I'm so over it.
- Our grocery budget is going to be lower this month because of all the eating out we have been doing. Actually I just fit it into the grocery budget. Scott and I both like eating out.. Jackson does too. But I seriously need to start cooking again!
- Why am I not surprised that Madonna couldn't control her tongue again. It just grosses me out and I felt sorry for Drake.
- I read an article about the top things that feel great and make people happy. I have to say #1 is right on the money. I know my favorites on the list..what's yours?

- I'm simply not the best about reviewing etsy products I order. I know it's not so nice and it seems to be a community where they want your feedback so maybe I should make the time.
- I have been enjoying having my nails shorter. When they are not long, I don't mind wearing bright colors. But I still like the natural look the best. I am sure my manicurist misses me...but I'll see her for pedicures.
- Tomorrow the Mini Cooper officially becomes my new car. It wasn't a easy decision being I love my little bug so much but I know I made the right choice.
- I am so thankful for the warmer weather. #2 in that list would probably #1 for me. I think everyone in the neighborhood are just as happy. Everyone is outside more.
- I think I found the grill I want. I am going to wait a couple days to check out the reviews more and then place the order....if it checks out good. Thank goodness for the Internet for being able to spread the word. Kids now days have no idea what an encyclopedia is but they are certainly blessed with modern day technology.
- Listening to Scott teach Jackson math tonight was driving me crazy. I couldn't figure out the problems and it's frustrating to listen to. Scott is not the best teacher but thank goodness he is trying. Otherwise I would have to hire a tutor. :/
- I think I am going to try out some bare mineral makeup for a more natural spring/summer look. Have you used it before? I think I am going to place a big order and give it a shot.
- I need to try to get to bed earlier. We have been super busy all day and I just got some alone time where I could finish this blog post but still need to do a quick pickup of the first floor, a shower, and I want to try to get a little reading in. But I'm tired and need more sleep than what I have been getting the last few days.
- Scott got my new drying rack put together tonight. YEA!!! I love having a way to hang the clothes outside without a long line.
I hope you guys are having a great night. I'll see ya tomorrow! ♥ And if you want a sneak peak at tomorrows video, get subscribed and come visit my youtube channel around midnight. :)