Dear God, I haven't been feeling well here lately. Could you please send me a nurse or Dr. angel to help getting me feeling better. Thank you for listening to my prayers and hopefully answering a few. Please keep my kids safe. Dear Friday, I am sooooooooo sleepy today. I was up early taking Jackson to school and so far the day has just been quiet...which is making me even more tired but it's looks like it's going to be an easy day. Dear Cooper, you look sleepy today too laying on the couch. I guess we both stayed up too late and got up too early! Dear Brittany, I miss you. I am so very proud of you. Keep doing good in will pay off. Dear Scott, Sorry for the complicated week. We really need that vacation! I love you. Dear Jordan, starting trouble online is wrong. Simple as that. I expect you to act better at your age. I am sorry you are in pain but you have to grow up. We love you and miss you but....again, please grow up. Dear Romeo, I don't know what is wrong with your eye..maybe one of the girls scratched you. If your not better by Monday, we will have to go back to the Vet. Dear Jackson, Thank you for making this morning easy. I love you. Dear Walmart, I am so happy you had my lavender plants! I looked all over and couldn't find them except at your store. I know a lot of people don't like you but you sure made me happy the other day! Dear Trina, thank you for always being so helpful. We love you. Dear Laptop, after lots of test last night, it seems like you were full of adware and viruses. I don't get it because I have a antivirus installed. But I got them cleaned out and right now you are acting right. However, its so close to time to switch it's not even funny. I would use you forever if you could handle it but I feel like your going to die any day now. Please don't. Dear Big Eyes, I watched you last night and really enjoyed you. It was cute and interesting all at the same time. And it's based on a true story. Loved it! Dear Mom, Truvia wasn't it. And I am not crazy about splenda. NEXT...I love you! Dear House, I really want to get the walls painted if we are going to be staying here. I think I can do it myself but Scott wants to hire someone. Hummmmm...I think I might make something happen! Dear Youtube friends, Sorry that my planning haul is going up a bit late. All the virus work on the computer slowed things down. It's uploading right now! :) So many of you were wondering what is going on. Am I going to keep making videos and staying online. I think I probably will but maybe not as much. I'm still not sure but I do enjoy it and as long as you guys enjoy it too...then it's worth doing. Dear Shanna, I hope things went well with Emmie yesterday. I wasn't feeling good last night so we will have to catch up tonight. ♥ Dear Spring, I love you...I really do! But I could stand for you to warm up just a little more! 80 degrees sounds about right to me! Dear House, you need a quick pick up this afternoon. Your not in bad shape but I still have a few things to get done. Including getting my makeup brushes cleaned. Dear Trash Man, Well not putting a note in my planner made me forget to put you out. Gotta get into a new habit now. Thankfully we have 2 cans to get us through next week.
Thanks for stopping by! When the video goes live, I will come back and share it. xx