Hello Hello Hello! I hope you guys are having a terrific Thursday! I am still trying to get a little more motivated to get to the Post Office in a bit to send out the giveaway prizes. It's kinda gloomy out so I am enjoying coffee instead right now and will get out and about in just a bit. :) Don't worry though... they will all be sent out TODAY except the latest inkwell press prizes because it has not ended yet. Thank you guys so much for watching our videos, reading this blog, and entering the giveaways! So today's video is another day in the life vlog where I share how things have went around here the past few days. Hope you enjoy!
Even though I am sharing this vlog with you guys today, it will be included in next weeks WIR with the 2nd vlog from the weekend. I just like to include them together in that post. Hope that's ok! So how's your Thursday going!? Let me know through the comments on the video or this blog post! If you are new here, I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!