Hello friends! Happy Saturday to you all. I hope you are having a great afternoon. I thought I would drop in for a few minutes and say hello! This past week has been a week of craziness. Really, its been one thing after another. Very little has went according to schedule. We have dealt with no feeling well. headaches that turned into migraines, big pet issues, schedules going out the window, spats with Scott, and a never ending field trip. Sounds fun huh!?
This past week went by so fast. It was a fury of appointments, conversations, homekeeping and kids. I have had a problem trying to get everything fit into the day. And while I use to work into the late hours of night...things have changed. Instead of typing away working on blog post or editing videos at night, I am actually sleeping. My days and nights have been so out of whack but this past week, I have really worked hard at actually sleeping instead of working in bed. With spring here T -O- D- A - Y, I hope to wake up early on more mornings to hear the birds sing, be more productive when the sun is actually out, and not worry as much about schedules as such. Don't get me wrong.... a schedule really does help me to accomplish more but if I can't fit them into the daytime or evening hours, it will just have to wait until the next day.

Monday was just a trial run for how the week would go. We were off early to the Dr. office. I was tired and didn't accomplish much else. It was just a very somber kind of day. Then we moved back into Tuesday when we took all the female kitty cats and Cooper to the Vet to get fixed. 3 cats and a big dog to and from the Vet was a lot and we have had to be so careful nursing them back to health. It's being more difficult on the cats. They can't jump and when they do, its painful to watch... imagine being them. We are 4 days in at this point, and they are slowly getting better. It's bitter sweet....no more kittens for a long time. It was time though. I'll have another kitten in the house eventually but now we have our hands full.
Wednesday I woke up with a headache that lasted all day long and because I was scared to inject myself with a needle so as evening set in, so did a migraine. It was awful. I just went straight to bed around 10pm and was all done. Thursday was the only resemblance of a normal day. Yesterday presented itself with a bunch of problems and complications. Nothing was really going the way I wanted so I took a break and just let things happen naturally. Of course that meant that no video went up. Instead of being upset about it, I just went with the flow. But problems kept popping up and I just kept knocking them down one by one! :) But it didn't stop until after 1am. Jackson had a big field trip to Atlanta yesterday. We were suppose to pick him up at 8pm which turned into 10pm ... 11 pm and finally at 12:30 am the buses rolled in and we finally picked up our child. It was after 1am before we got home and in bed. Scott and I didn't have the best day either. It was complicated and nothing I want to speak of but it was nice waking up today...the first day of spring, to a better day. Well, so far it's been better. I can only hope it stays good. :)
So once again, emails have pilled up..voicemail is full and I have a house that needs cleaned up but that stuff will all have to wait. We have a beautiful spring day and I am going to enjoy some outside time with Jackson! I do plan on recording a quick video in a bit but I want to soak up some of the fresh air and sunshine first. Hopefully I will have it up later this afternoon. I hope you guys are getting some sunshine of your own today in one way or another. I'll talk to you soon!

This past week went by so fast. It was a fury of appointments, conversations, homekeeping and kids. I have had a problem trying to get everything fit into the day. And while I use to work into the late hours of night...things have changed. Instead of typing away working on blog post or editing videos at night, I am actually sleeping. My days and nights have been so out of whack but this past week, I have really worked hard at actually sleeping instead of working in bed. With spring here T -O- D- A - Y, I hope to wake up early on more mornings to hear the birds sing, be more productive when the sun is actually out, and not worry as much about schedules as such. Don't get me wrong.... a schedule really does help me to accomplish more but if I can't fit them into the daytime or evening hours, it will just have to wait until the next day.

Monday was just a trial run for how the week would go. We were off early to the Dr. office. I was tired and didn't accomplish much else. It was just a very somber kind of day. Then we moved back into Tuesday when we took all the female kitty cats and Cooper to the Vet to get fixed. 3 cats and a big dog to and from the Vet was a lot and we have had to be so careful nursing them back to health. It's being more difficult on the cats. They can't jump and when they do, its painful to watch... imagine being them. We are 4 days in at this point, and they are slowly getting better. It's bitter sweet....no more kittens for a long time. It was time though. I'll have another kitten in the house eventually but now we have our hands full.
Wednesday I woke up with a headache that lasted all day long and because I was scared to inject myself with a needle so as evening set in, so did a migraine. It was awful. I just went straight to bed around 10pm and was all done. Thursday was the only resemblance of a normal day. Yesterday presented itself with a bunch of problems and complications. Nothing was really going the way I wanted so I took a break and just let things happen naturally. Of course that meant that no video went up. Instead of being upset about it, I just went with the flow. But problems kept popping up and I just kept knocking them down one by one! :) But it didn't stop until after 1am. Jackson had a big field trip to Atlanta yesterday. We were suppose to pick him up at 8pm which turned into 10pm ... 11 pm and finally at 12:30 am the buses rolled in and we finally picked up our child. It was after 1am before we got home and in bed. Scott and I didn't have the best day either. It was complicated and nothing I want to speak of but it was nice waking up today...the first day of spring, to a better day. Well, so far it's been better. I can only hope it stays good. :)
So once again, emails have pilled up..voicemail is full and I have a house that needs cleaned up but that stuff will all have to wait. We have a beautiful spring day and I am going to enjoy some outside time with Jackson! I do plan on recording a quick video in a bit but I want to soak up some of the fresh air and sunshine first. Hopefully I will have it up later this afternoon. I hope you guys are getting some sunshine of your own today in one way or another. I'll talk to you soon!