Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday. I am back with another Tuesday Truths post....hope you enjoy!
- So sorry this post is late into the night. I have been going all day and evening long and totally exhausted but late is better than never!
- The only one really getting their beauty sleep today was Romeo. He's gorgeous isn't he? I would clone that cat if I could.. he is simply the best. I'm forever a crazy cat lady!
- The boys went to a hockey game tonight and had a great great time. I love it when they can spend time together like that.
- I bought some new pens tonight. ( Haul coming tomorrow ) that I am totally excited to use. I guess that makes me a nerd of sorts. o-well.
- I hate that Brian Williams is suspended for 6 months for " misremembering " some of the facts. I think forgiveness is a lost art. But we do want the news straight.
- I am proud of my niece for buying her first car. Now...it wasn't exactly how I had hoped it would happen but she made a plan and went for it. That alone is brave and strong.
- This guy totally freaked me out at the store tonight. He had his hand toboggan over his hand making it look like a freaking gun. I thought I was going to die in the dog food isle. Seriously...it was scary as hell. ( Sorry for cursing. I am really trying to stop. ) You can hear more about it in the next ditl vlog.
- I kinda hate Rosie" O'Donnell is leaving the view. I actually kinda like her and think she has a big heart and just a very sensitive soul.
- It's amazing how much trash we make in our family. Thank goodness the dump is close by where we can recycle most of it. Otherwise we would need our own landfill.
- I hate to say this but I think the American Sniper guy; Chris Kyle was so dumb to take a known mentally ill person to a gun range. A smart man who made a very dumb decision.
- I massively cleaned our messy garage a couple of days ago and it still feels amazing every time I walk out there. :)
- I need to find a new Dr. I didn't really care for the last one plus new insurance...means new Dr.
- I have a kitchen full of items from shopping that has to be put up very soon. Where do I find the energy.
- I still need to update the chalkboard walls. Maybe tomorrow.
- I was up early today but I really hope to sleep well tonight and sleep in tomorrow. It probably won't happen but I am hoping to wake up well rested.
- I am going to start trying yoga in the coming days thanks to our adorable older daughter. I'll let you know what I think of it.
- I need to try to go get a haircut tomorrow. I've been saying that for weeks!
- I am so ready to climb in the bath and then in the bed... guess that means I need to quit blogging and get putting stuff away.
I hope you guys had a great night. I'll see ya tomorrow. xx