Good morning friends. I hope you are getting a good start to this Thursday morning. I hate mornings and being we slept in a hotel last night, I didn't sleep well and feeling kinda grumpy but....
♥ for making it to Louisiana without any problems. The car rode great, Scott drove safe and all 3 of us arrived to the hotel safe and sound.
♥ that my son did great on such a long car ride. It was hard for all of us but Jackson did great.
♥ for having a housesitter I actually trust. She is super kind and helps a lot with our house and animals.
♥ advil....I had a headache all day long and I think the advil kept it from turning into a migraine. Yea, perfect day for that to happen.
♥ for Jackson passing all his classes this past semester. He barely passed some, but it's better than him failing. I just wish I could get him to like school more.
♥ that I have some of the most amazing subscribers and followers. I am not just saying it.. I sincerely mean it. You guys have been so kind to me. I couldn't be more grateful and I hope you really know that.
♥ Scott made me my cup of coffee this morning. You guys have no idea how hard it is on me to be up at this hour right now. But I am grateful, I am still breathing and still here. So no complaining.
♥ we get to see Zane this morning. I am not sure how things are going to go but I am thankful we can at least see him today.
♥ my touchpad on my laptop started working again. I swear this computer has a crazy mind of it's own.
♥ that before the sun rises tomorrow we will be back home. I'm a homebody.
♥ somehow someway, I was able to sleep through Scotts snoring last night. It was like I was sleeping next to a grizzly bear.
♥ for the wonderful support system of amazing women I have. My mom, sister, sister in law, and best friend are such strength for me. God gave me exactly who I would need to get through this life.
♥ for the slightly warmer days. I really need sunshine.
♥ that the hotel bed was super comfy even though I didn't want to get up this morning!
Thanks for stopping by this morning. I hope you have a beautiful day. I will try to post a video before we take back off for home. We'll see! Happy Thursday.