Happy Sunday friends! I hope your having a great afternoon. The boys just to go fishing and do some boy stuff that I am not so fond of. :) It's great for them to get to spend some time together since Scott works so much. It also gives me some free time to write this blog post!
I thought that picture quote above so right on point. So many times we all get tired and grumpy with this worlds problems and such but the more we let God in, the less we experience those feelings. It's been a journey for me trying to understand that. The more light you let in, the less anything else can fill the space. It's hard to remember that sometimes right? We are all going on with everyday life... good times and bad and its so easy to forget to let God in when you are stressed out or upset. But if you just take a few seconds in those times, its amazing how the issues will flow through you and not get stuck in your head or heart.

This next week, is going to be extremely stressful for our family. We have to travel south to go to a court hearing about Zane. In case you are new here, my husband has a son by a previous marriage and that child has been taken from his mothers care and put in foster care. We are making the long car trip for a court hearing that I am not too happy about. While I would like things to happen in a much different way, it's really out of my control. Giving it to God was our only option. I've had some light bulb moments in the past week but none so bright as realizing that maybe I am just a visitor in Zanes journey. Maybe I am not here to fix anything. Maybe I am here just to be a witness to his life. So much is totally out of my control which drives me crazy. When you really think about it, most things in life are out of our control. I think you have to surrender to that alone. All we can really do is let God do his will and try to see the blessings in disguise.
Since this next week is going to be pretty stressful, I know I will have to redirect my heart more towards God and let go. I am just going to allow the situation to flow through me instead of living within me. God lives in me. Someone cleverly once said to me that
I should let life's problems flow through me but don't allow them to take up residence in my heart and body. Let their stay be short.
We are all on our own separate journeys. In case you are going through something stressful yourself, I thought these reminders might make you feel a little better. ♥
Matthew 6:27
" And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"
Romans 8:18
" The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming,"
Proverbs 12:25
" Anxiety is a man's heart weighs him down but a good word makes him glad."
Psalm 94:19
When anxiety was great within me, our consolation brought me joy. "
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed week.