Friday Letters ♥

Friday, January 30, 2015

Dear God, Thank you for listening to my prayers daily. I am sure you get tired of me rambling on and on but your the almighty and can handle it! Thanks so much for protecting my kids and family.

Dear Scott, sounded so busy on the phone today. I have some errands to run later so I might just come see you. I miss you. Thanks so hard for working hard for us. I love you.

Dear Isis, It sounds like the Jordan people are not playing with you. I personally think its time we meet you with all the force that is needed to stop you. We probably would have kept our mouths shut if you kept your extreme terrorism and murders in your own country but since your not...I am all for killing each and everyone of you. Yea.... and I am a Democrat. However, sometimes you have to meet force with force. I wish we would drop a bomb and be done with you. God does not want you killing in his name.

Dear Laci, Loved talking to you today. You can always call anytime you want even if it is early! I love you! Try to have fun with your weekend house guests. ♥

Dear Jackson, you do seem to be doing a little better in school this past week. I bet you are totally happy today is Friday so you can play on the xbox! I promise we are not trying to be mean but school has to come first before any games. I love you.

Dear Closet, I am going to totally clean you out and get rid of all the clothes that I don't want to wear any longer and start shopping again. Maybe it's time for some updates.

Dear Planner lovers, I have a new series coming up soon! Stay tuned...I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Dear Laura, you need to get another phone! I hate not being able to call and check on you. I hope all is well and I guess I will just send you a message on FB to check on you. Kiss the girls for us.

Dear Mitt Romney, You said the sweetest words yesterday when you said you would NOT be running or President. Thank you Thank you Thank you. We didn't want you for President the first 2 times and we still don't want your uptight super right wing ass in the White House. Find work elsewhere.

Dear Trina, I miss you. Seriously.... I wish you were closer. Hope all is well.. I'll call you soon to catch up and gossip!

Dear PO Box, We have a date today! I will be there later this afternoon.

Dear Shanna, Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk last night. I took two Advil PM's for a head ache hoping I could stay awake on them so I could avoid giving myself a shot. However, they did knock me out. We'll catch up later today.

Dear Romeo, I think I might have found your crown. I don't know how many other kitty cats get crowns to wear around but you are not your average alley cat...You are royalty as far as we are concerned. And it will look great in the professional photos I am going to have made. Can't wait!

Dear Mom, I love and miss you! I doubt we will be there for the Halloween party but you never know!

Dear House, tomorrow I am going to try to get you cleaned up even more and get rid of more clutter. It does feel good getting rid of all the stuff we don't use any longer.

Dear Brittany Belle, I will be mailing your phone later today. Remember everything I said though. I love you and you don't need to act older than you are. Your childhood will go by so fast so you should enjoy it. Life gets much harder as you get older. Enjoy it.. Revel in it... and remember what you do now will effect you later. I love you.

Dear Coffee, It's after 2 pm and I am still drinking you. I have seriously got to get on a better eating schedule. You just can't take the place of meals no matter how much I want you to.

Dear Jordan, I don't know what to say to you at this point. Should I write your Grandmother? Are you ever going to call? Are you happy? All those things pass through my mind on a daily basis. I can't help but to think your not that happy and scared to reach out. Courage Jordan...can take you further than anything else. I love you.

Dear Hair, I seriously need to get you cut sometime this weekend. I might loose my patience and just do it myself if I don't go. would probably be better to just make the appointment and go!

Dear Marjorie, Sorry I forgot to send the email but glad you got things handled.

Dear Mark Twain, Your quote → “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” ←  couldn't be more right. Because I put our life out there...some people like to pick it apart, judge and even make up lies. Serious lies.. and they make it around a lot faster than truth. For sure. But you know what? It really doesn't matter what others believe...its what you know and feel.

Dear Body, You feel old and tired today even though you slept good last night. What gives!?

Dear Beds, I seriously doubt you are getting made today. I get so tired of making them all the time so today I am taking a break.

Dear Walmart, I have to come to you today...and I am not that excited about it. But we need doggie food and a few other things. So I'll see you later. Sigh.

Dear Dad, You know I miss you. You live in my head and my heart everyday. I guess it's a testament to a life well lived that you are so missed.

Dear Wind, you sound awful outside right now. It makes me want to stay in and stay warm. Spring can't come fast enough.

Dear Trees, I know it might sound strange but I actually love you. I watch you sway back and forth... while remaining strong, beautiful and in a way magical.

Dear Phones, we are making the big switch in a couple of days. My husband and kids are excited alike. Please hold up for our active family. We don't need any more phone problems for a long time.

Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Thank you guys for following along and being a part of our lives. I love you guys. Your kindness and support mean the world to me. If by some chance you are just coming by for the first time, I would love it if you subscribed!
