Hello friends! I hope you are getting on well with your Friday. As many of you know, I am doing my best to get back on track around the house, youtube, and even on this blog. So without further ado, here is Friday letters for your enjoyment! :)
Dear God, You brought us right into 2015 in a hurry. I am finally understanding really how fast life goes by. I really hope you read my heart each night and hear my prayers.
Dear Kids, I am so proud of each of you. I am talking about you Brittany & Laura....Zane & Jackson. You guys are amazing people and I am so blessed to have you guys in my life. No matter what happens, I will always be here for each of you.
Dear Christmas, You were a lot of fun but I am happy to see you go. Its crazy all that fuss, confusion and money spent on just one day.
Dear Scott, Thank you for being there for me. We have built a life together and I don't take it for granted. I love you.
Dear Reign, I just started watching you and everything is good except the costumes. It looks like the girls who are suppose to be living in the 1500's stepped out of a 2000 prom. Seriously...you guys could have done better with the costumes.
Dear AirAsia Flight 8501, I am so sorry for your families who are left. Just know the world is praying for you. It must have been horrifying to go through that. May you rest in peace.
Dear Mom, I miss you. Sorry we wasn't there over Christmas. You know anytime you want to get away, we would love to have you visit.
Dear Coffee, please work faster. It's been hard waking up today.
Dear Weather, Thanks for warming up a little the past couple of days. However, I know you are about to freeze us out again. I guess I better bring in some firewood soon. But I appreciate the glimpse of spring, even if it was just for one day. Just a side note....I miss my little song birds during these winter months.
Dear Chocolate Pie, I have been dreaming of you and plan on serving you for dessert tonight. You will be devoured by my family!
Dear Instagram, you made my life happier this week showing me pictures of everyones New Year. Follow me on@kjaggers and say hello!
Dear Trina, I am so thankful to have a sister in law who is awesome! I wish we lived closer so we could do more together. I'm proud of you and Vicki.
Dear Blog, I have really missed you. I have said it a million times and I will say it again. I need you. It's amazing to sit down and actually write. And what is even more amazing is the community that has lifted me up each day. I promise to pay more attention to you.
Dear Jordan, Don't call unless you take it down and speak. We are getting no where because of your fears. I love you.
Dear Romeo, There is no other kitty cat on the planet who can top you. Your simply amazing.
Dear Nails, You have gotten long enough... I think its time I file you back some. Your pretty though!
Dear January, I am somewhat excited for the future. I hardly ever feel this way but I think its going to be a great month and even better month. I have a ton of things planned to do around the house and I hope to accomplish a lot.
Dear Shanna, Sorry I didn't call you back last night. I was super tired after being home with the boys all day. I loved seeing you over Christmas....wish I could wiggle my nose and be sitting in your kitchen again.
Dear Younger Sister, You better make a little more time to call me. I miss you! See ya on the cruise and I am sure Scott will use his flasks. :) Call me!
Dear Bloggy Friends, your sweet words or encouragement and kindness truly make my day, every day. I am so thankful for all your comments, emails, & Facebook messages. You guys truly inspire me.
Have a great Friday!