Hello friends. I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday evening. I am here a little later today with my Sunday Inspiration post. Its been raining all day long and it's been totally hard finding any motivation to do anything. Its been dark all day long and the boys have been napping and lazy most of the day.. Me too. Can you believe this is the last Sunday before Thanksgiving. This time next week, we will be through the holiday and moving on into Christmas. It's amazing to me how fast time is passing.
There are so many of us who are going to be having Thanksgiving with our families in just a few days. The grand tables with all the delicious foods, football games going on it the background, family being together and visiting each other. I also hope in that time you will make it a tradition to look at the day, the month, the year, and share what you are thankful for. I think it always means so much to actually speak it. Words have power. When you speak positive you attract more positive circumstances in your life. Plus it means a lot when you're told that your important and someone is thankful for you. I am not always the best at showing my true feelings but all of us can come out of our shell to be kind to someone else. How about just for this week, at least one time a day, you do something kind for someone else. Random acts of kindness for the week of Thanksgiving. Leave a special note for someone at work, do something extra special for your husband and kids, help a homeless person, leave an extra tip for service.....you get the idea. Lets spread the love this upcoming week. Maybe I will come back and share my 7 acts of kindness in a blog post later next week. If you want to share too, come back and leave your link daily or whenever on this blog post. I would love it if all of you guys reading this post participated. Make a difference in someones life this week.

I have been doing a lot of praying this week. I have a friend who is not well and being treated at the Cancer Institute of America. Another girlfriend was traveling all last week and now sick herself, and so many other prayers going up to God himself. I have heard others say they don't pray for little things..only important things. I pray about everything I need to pray about and some days that might just be praying that he will grant me a favor and help me find my car keys. I simply ask God for his help. It is in these little prayers/miracles I see God the most. He's on like On Demand...available to all of us anytime. Even for the littlest of prayers answered, I am always grateful and I am always thankful. And I always say Thank you to God for his help. I have even asked God for help when trying to find a parking space on a day my ankle and knee was killing me. In a crowded store, right there after my prayer went up, a car moved out of the front line giving me the best possible spot short of Handicap. Could this be just be a coincidence....maybe but I believe it is God working his miracles even in the smallest of ways when I call upon his love and help. I say trust in prayer and trust in God. Prayer alone has seriously changed my life more than anything else. I hope you have a beautiful and blessed week. Come back and let me know your acts of kindness this week. ♥