Hello to you all! I hope you are having a great Sunday. I am not moving very fast today at all. The boys woke me up around 8am and I haven't been so pleasant. I think what drives me nuts is they wake me up and then both of them want late morning/early afternoon naps. Its totally frustrating sometimes because I am tired... I need rest too and then after I'm up they go back to sleep!? It totally reminds me though of my grandfather because he did the same a lot of times. He would wake up the entire house super early and after we were all up, drinking coffee and complaining, he just had himself a power nap right there in the lazy boy. I have never understood the point of waking someone up if you are just going back to sleep yourself and still don't get it. In a way I think God is saying get your butt out of the bed and spend more precious time with your family but the kicker is....the patience I need to learn in that simple process. I am a big believer in prayer. I seriously have seen it work miracles in my own life and I know that God hears everyone's prayers...not just mine but he also wants us to listen. He wants us to feel his presence and listen to the little inner God voice within us. How do I know a prayer has been answered....is a question I get a lot. Well...sometimes its simple prayers like....God I need a favor, my cat is lost and I need you to help me find him. 30 minutes later the cat is in my arms again...so I give God that credit. Other times, I don't know if a particular prayer is answered...but all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed..

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20
Its not just faith in God that matters. Is the faith that he will stand beside you, guide you and carry you even if needed. Its faith that he hears your prayers and will answer them. It's faith in his timing and faith that you will be ok no matter what.
I have the faith that God exists, hears and answers my prayers, performs miracles, and gives us everything but I sometimes get stuck in faith in current day and time. Its hard to have faith sometimes in real life but the more you have, the more armour you protect yourself with. And if you need a little more armour...I found this cute Emergency contact numbers that might guide you too!
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Sunday! I have the boys to have fun with so no telling what the day has in store! I should be back in a bit with our weekly food shopping haul and grocery day prep video!