My weekend to do's is pretty simple and who knows how much I will actually get done but here it is in case you are interested! :)
- Finish grocery list and look for coupons before shopping.
- Wash doggie slobber off sliding glass doors in the living room. I hate dirty windows!
- Toss laundry around all weekend and try to put each load up as I fold it. Plus match up like a thousand socks. Grrrrrrrrr. I hate matching socks up!
- Bath all the cats over the weekend. I'm sure they will love that.
- Schedule Pedicures for Trina and I when she comes up over the Thanksgiving. I think it might be a great weekend escape while the boys are doing their thing.
- Discard of all the rotting pumpkins that we carved.
- Clean the dogs bowls.
- Update the chalkboard walls and white boards throughout the house.
- Go through and make sure all the windows are locked on the first floor after seeing this story recently.
- Clean microwave out after Jackson allowed a bowl of Spaghetti O's explode inside. Yea... not so happy about that little job.
- Get rid of all the planters and such outside for the winter months. No reason to look at empty flower pots. To the garage they go!
- Check voicemails.....sorry if you have left a message... I don't normally check them often. Send text or emails instead or better back!
- Update pinterest with new videos and if I have time, make some new pins from older blog posts to share.
- Run to the Post Office tomorrow.
- Clean out frig. today. Gosh I hate that job. I am sure it will give me a pile full of dishes to be washed and put away....after I remove the science experiments. ;)
- Read through this article more and take to heart what it says about breaking bad habits. Thanks Kriss for posting it and congratulations on your new house!
- Have Jackson bring in more firewood.
- Make basil pesto with all the basil growing in the window.
- Get packages together to mail.
Also on my mind lately is my friend who is having to deal with thyroid cancer. We don't know how serious it is yet but I think she is heading to the Cancer Institute of America for treatment. I don't want to say too much because I am sure she hasn't told everyone and its private afterall. I think she might share more on FB and such when she feels the time is right. She is a old dear friend from school, someone I grew up with, someone I truly trust and one of the best people I know. So its hard and its been at the front of my mind for over a week now. I am really worried about her so if you can lift her in your prayers, I am sure she would appreciate it as much as I would. Hopefully I will be able to see her over the holidays when I head to Indiana for Christmas. All I know to do is pray for her and hope like hell the Dr's take very good care of a dear friend who I love.