Dear God, thank you for another week here on earth with my family. I don't know what your plans hold for anything or anyone. I certainly didn't expect you to take another member of our family this past week. Still I have faith in your timing and your ability to change the souls that do live down here earth. Also thank you for the beautiful change of seasons. I love the bright vivid colors of autumn but I am sure not enjoying the wet, windy, cold days. But I am still grateful.
Dear Self, I am totally amazed at how well you have felt the last few mornings. Thanks for springing me up and getting me active sooner rather than later. Why are you always cold all the time? Is that ever going to change?
Dear Democrats, I am so damn disappointed in you. What happened by stand by your President? You dumbasses lost just because of that alone. Karma baby. You know our President has done great things. Bin Laden dead. Healthcare for all started. Do you know Medicare took 10 years to get right? Just incase you have doubts about our President, check out this article for yourself. You guys should have stuck it out pointing out the good points and your loyalty alone would have saved you. I am totally ashamed of you guys and now there is even more work to do which is only going to take longer.
Dear Romeo, you looked so damn evil yesterday. I guess you were the one lacking sleep in the house. I think the cooler weather is getting to all of us, And it really looks like you need a good grooming. Bad hair day huh? You are still king of the house and I love you so much kitty kitty.
Dear Jackson, sorry you were not feeling well last night. Hopefully today you will feel better and have a great day at school.
Dear Shirley Maclaine, you sure kept me entertained in Elsa and Fred. I should do a movie review because I simply love all your movies and had a lot of laughs watching you with Christopher Plummer. :)
Dear Trina, I can't wait to see you over Thanksgiving. I am trying to get Scott to get that Saturday off since he is working the day after Thanksgiving. Hopefully he will be home visiting over the weekend. I'm trying!
Dear Brittany Maynard, I still think of you writing your little facebook message telling the world to spread love and then taking pills that ended your life. I just don't know what to think but my heart hurts for you and your family and I didn't even know you.
Dear Laci, I sure wish we were closer. A afternoon lunch or yoga class together sure sounds nice to me. I miss you.
Dear Hair, you have no idea how much you just get on my nerves. Maybe I should cut it shorter but my husband likes you long. Why couldn't you just look good on your own?
Dear President Obama, You know I have been a supporter from the start. I still you could guess its called loyalty. But its time to come to terms with making deals with the devils ( republicans ) to get shit done. No joke. Put on your big boy pants and stop letting them kick the shit out of you. Stand up....and BE PRESIDENTIAL. It's still not too late.
Dear Brittany Belle, First what did I say about sticking your tongue out in pictures!? Yea....stop it. No one cares about your tongue at all except the dentist and remember how much you like going there? I just hate it! And one more nagging mom thing... I know that I have spoiled you from afar, your dad has spoiled you up close and personal but your acting a little stuck up here lately and I know that goes along with being 13 and all but try to remember to be kind and gracious to others. Don't be one of those little know it all brats. You still have a huge life ahead of you. Not everything has to be done at once. Slow down and remember how much I love you. We want you to have everything you ♥ desires but it has to come with grace and love. Think on the larger scale.....think about humanity more than yourself.
Dear Shanna, that girl above is going to be the death of me!!!! I am so thankful for all your parenting advice and guidance. I don't know how in the hell I am going to get through the next 5 years with the kids but hopefully with your help I can do it!
Dear Shawn, Thank you for taking care of us. I am sorry you don't feel well but things will get better. Thanks again.
Dear Shawn, Thank you for taking care of us. I am sorry you don't feel well but things will get better. Thanks again.
Dear Coffee, the smell of you flowing right beside me as I type this, just wakes up all my senses. Nothing makes me happier in the morning than a good cup of coffee. Thank you.
Dear Jordan, I am so glad you are finally starting to reach out. I have wanted to talk and see you for years. I don't know what they have told you but you have to start thinking for yourself. We all love and miss you and want you to join our family.
Dear Jordan, I am so glad you are finally starting to reach out. I have wanted to talk and see you for years. I don't know what they have told you but you have to start thinking for yourself. We all love and miss you and want you to join our family.
Dear Scott, I really do hate your long hours. I am glad we are getting along better and I wish you were home more. I understand you are doing what you have to for us and I appreciate it. Really I do... but I would rather have you around a little more! I love you.
Dear Weather, Thanks a lot for being cold today....not. Its freezing and the wind is howling. It almost feels like the house is swaying. I should get up and make a fire but that would mean battling you to get more wood. No thanks....I'll wait until Jackson gets home and have him do it for me!
Dear CVS Pharmacy, You use to be my favorite but being 4 days behind is totally unacceptable. If you need more help, hire more help but people need their meds sooner rather than later. Step up your game before I head to Walgreens.
Dear Super Cooper, You seemed to really enjoy your late night run last night. So maybe we will have to do it again tonight. I can't wait to take you back to the Vet to see if you have lost any weight! Let's hope you have.
Dear Hal Foster, I have wanted to email you a bunch of times. I don't know what happened but I can tell you that I am more disappointed in your greediness and lies than anything else. The things I know and could tell you would make your headspin. So keep living in your bubble and I am sure everything will continue the way it was. You won't get better with being a cut throat sleezy snake. But that's just my opinion.....what do I know. :)
Dear Leaves, You are just blowing around the yard like crazy. Just a couple more rains and all the leaves will be down. Gosh...we are moving into the most depressing seasons of them all. I do not want winter.....I really wish we could go back to the warmer days of summer when you stayed on the trees where the birds sing. Please stay on the trees as long as you can!
Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Thank you for taking time to come here and visit, commenting on videos and inspiring me so much. I love you guys and I just want to say thanks for sticking around and getting to know us a little better.
I hope you have a beautiful Friday!

Dear Super Cooper, You seemed to really enjoy your late night run last night. So maybe we will have to do it again tonight. I can't wait to take you back to the Vet to see if you have lost any weight! Let's hope you have.
Dear Hal Foster, I have wanted to email you a bunch of times. I don't know what happened but I can tell you that I am more disappointed in your greediness and lies than anything else. The things I know and could tell you would make your headspin. So keep living in your bubble and I am sure everything will continue the way it was. You won't get better with being a cut throat sleezy snake. But that's just my opinion.....what do I know. :)
Dear Leaves, You are just blowing around the yard like crazy. Just a couple more rains and all the leaves will be down. Gosh...we are moving into the most depressing seasons of them all. I do not want winter.....I really wish we could go back to the warmer days of summer when you stayed on the trees where the birds sing. Please stay on the trees as long as you can!
Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Thank you for taking time to come here and visit, commenting on videos and inspiring me so much. I love you guys and I just want to say thanks for sticking around and getting to know us a little better.
I hope you have a beautiful Friday!