Hello friends! Happy Friday to you all. I am back with another edition of Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy.
Dear God, Thank you for another week. I truly am grateful for another week on this earth with my family. I am trying my best to follow your lead, shake off my problems and find something great in everyday. I know that on any day you can decide its time for me leave and all I will be able to take with me is the love in my heart and the memories etched in my soul. I hope you hear my prayers and I also hope you are keeping your hand on my friend who has been ill. Life means nothing without our family and friends.
Dear Bill Cosby, I don't know what to think about you now. Can 15 women who don't know each other all be lying about you? I suppose it's possible but highly unlikely. I say where's there's smoke there is normally fire. I just don't know what to think.
Dear Jackson, I love you dear boy. You are such a little guy still and while I love it, I wish you would grow up a little bit more. I am sure one day I will be wishing you were still little but its time to mature up a little more.
Dear Laci, I loved talking to you last night. You are seriously the cutest ever. Trust that everything in your life will happen exactly as it's suppose to. It might not be your own personal plan but God has those plans in his hands and you are still at the beginning of your journey so hold on tight....I have a feeling your life is always going to be a busy exciting ride. I love you.
Dear Hands, I wish you were stronger. The older I get, the more you hurt. Is it arthritis or from typing too much for years on end? I don't mind getting older because I feel that with time, I get smarter and wiser but my body does not feel the same.
Dear Carrie, So many of us have been worried about you. Shit..I'm still worried about you. I know we are all going to pray through that surgery on December 8th. Your are such a good person and I couldn't imagine this world without you. You have been a true true friend for so many years so don't forget how many of us adore you.
Dear Scott, I am sorry I always want the cliff notes version of things. You are long winded most of the time and I lose attention after a few minutes of you rambling on. I love you with all my heart and I hope you really know that. I still am going to be myself demanding 100% honesty and transparency all the time. I don't think that is a lot to ask in a marriage and I would think you would agree. I love you and want us to have a long happy life together.
Dear Jordan, What's going on with you? I hate that for some reason you are not calling. I know you have no idea how to fix things. You just have to get that 5 minutes of courage and simply speak. I think once you do that, you will have such a huge family with open arms for you. You have been missed and we have all been waiting on you for years and year and years. I really wish you would stop wasting so much precious time.
Dear Thursday, I don't know what happened but its like I blinked....and the View was on. I blinked again and Scott was briefly home in the middle of the afternoon....I blinked again and Jackson was home from school. I blinked again...and it was 9pm and I was watching TV with Scott. I blinked again and I was in the kitchen baking mini pumpkin pies. I blink again and its 2am and I haven't even had a shower.....and so on. It felt the day passed so fast and was kinda like a tornado. I sure hope today is easier.
Dear Mom, I wish I could see you over Thanksgiving and or Christmas. I guess its just not working out that way this year. We can just hold on to that cruise in June, Thanks for getting us booked and taking care of all the party plans. I know it takes a lot to coordinate so many people going but I am sure its going to be an amazing time.
Dear Brittany Belle, Sorry we didn't get to talk a lot last night. You know how busy and tired I was. I promise we will make it up tonight with a long talk. I love you more than you will ever know.
Dear Weather, Thanks for dumping so much snow on everyone. I am totally grateful to be in South Carolina not getting snow but it's still cold here. Right now I am freezing, needing to build a fire. But you are hitting our country like no other and I know this is just the beginning. Can't you just skip winter and bring us spring?
Dear Zane, I know life is complicated for you. We miss you and hope to hear from you. When you are here you are such a loving little boy but when you go home its like you drop off the face of the earth. We worry all the time and I am sorry for life being so different from house to house. Try to remember that we love you.
Dear Miss Honduras, I am sorry for your death and the death of your sister. I really believe you were meant to leave this world together but your instinct to throw yourself on top of your sister to try to protect her was touching and heartbreaking. May you both rest forever in peace.
Dear Shanna, I am glad you enjoyed your trip! I knew you were going to freeze your ass off being in New York City this time of year. I am glad you got home safe last night and I am just going to let you sleep sleep sleep today because I know you need it! I promise not to be blowing up your phone! :)
Dear Kitty Cats, You guys drove the entire house crazy last night. Scott was complaining as was Jackson and I was just sitting in bed shaking my head listening to cat fights, stuff breaking, hissing, growling...it seemed like the house was coming down around. Glad I woke up and everything looks ok so far. There's some cat hair on the floor but you guys are all alive and sleeping like babies right now. I am going to enjoy it incase you choose to make it wild kingdom up in here again tonight.
Dear TV, I am at my witts end with you. I get so tired of nothing good being on and paying such high prices to have all your " premium " channels. Here lately, I have been just turning you off or turning music on and I have actually been enjoying it more.
Dear Trina, Can't wait to see you next week! Its going to be nice having you and Trent here. Be sure to let Brandon and Vicki they will be missed but we wish them a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for always being a listening ear. You are one of the few people I actually trust and you mean a lot to me and our family.
Dear House, I am pretty sure we are moving out of you sooner than later. Scott says shoot for January. I can't wait. While I appreciate you keeping us dry, you don't really keep us warm...you are poorly built and I don't like many of your neighbors. So guess what!? I am going to get looking for somewhere else after Thanksgiving!
Dear Laura, Sorry I got off the phone so abruptly the other day. I was just upset with Jackson because he took other clothes to school *because he didn't like what I picked out * and came home in 30° weather wearing shorts! Call me when you can so we can catch up....I can't wait to hear a baby boy is on his way!!! Sooooo exciting and I know you are more than ready! We love and miss you... see ya at Christmas!
Dear House Republicans, You guys are such idiots. I am so sick of your shit. Suing the President of the United States. I think you guys are just assholes and I hope his lawyers wipe the floors with you all. It's just a big power fight but you better remember he is still The President of the United States and no matter how much you cry and complain....and you are overstepping in every way. John Boehner...you make sick. You guys can't get off your asses from those big salaries we pay you to pass a bill or enact a new law. You're party is outdated and pathetic. Its time for the President to be Presidential and tell you all to kiss his ass and do what he needs to do. I don't get it. I really don't.
Dear Anthony Bourdain, I am obsessed with you. I did a Ask the Housewife video that will be up later today asking what my dream job would be... Well, your job would be one of my dream jobs. Feel lucky that you get to travel around compliments of CNN and get paid to try new cultures and new foods. I love your show and wish I could tag along with you. Feel free to send an invite anytime! :)
Dear Dad, I wonder how much you can see from the otherside. I think you watch the movies I put on for you. I think you are beside me many days. I feel you around, I hear your words in my head, but I can't stop missing you. You told me I would be able to go on without you and you were right. Here I am and I am still here. I am thankful for my mom who is both mom and dad for me but its hard not having you to talk to. It's hard not having you here to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be ok. Its hard because you cross my mind 100x a day. I should get a braclet thats says →What would Dad do? ← but your way was not always right even though love and loyalty motivated you. Sometimes I think... Dad would just knock them out and while that might make me feel better, I can't do that kind of thing.. so I am still left making a lot of decisions that I wish to God I could run past you first. Again....thanks to my mom, I am not alone. Thanks to Scott and the kids, I am not alone. Thanks to my sister, I am not alone. Thanks to our extended family because I am not alone. Thanks to my friends, I am not alone. But the pain of you not being here is more real to me than anything else. I really want to see you. Please come see me in my dreams so just for a couple of minutes it can feel real. I love you and miss you so much.
Dear Blog and Youtube Friends, Thank you guys for always being supportive, kind and inspirational. I love hearing from you guys in emails, comments on the videos, facebook... because it allows me to get to know you guys too. I am always so surprised at your kindness. I know I have some of the best blog and youtube friends a girl could ask for. Keep coming back because I am hosting a giveaway each week until the new year just because I want to say thank you... today I will be announcing the winners of the Target Beauty Box Giveaway! Stay tuned! I also have a ask the housewife video that will also be up later today. Thank you for sending in all the questions. I hope you are staying warm and cozy on these cold days. Feel free to shoot me an email anytime letting me know how things are going in your neck of the woods!
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed day.