Thankful Thursday

Thursday, October 2, 2014
Happy Thursday friends. I hope you are getting along great with your day. I am trying so hard to get back on schedule. I am here today with a few things that I am thankful for this week. I think this is such an important post for so many reasons but it really reminds me to take a few minutes and tell what I am grateful for. Hope you enjoy.

♥ I am thankful for my husband doing morning shift. God knows I hate mornings and I totally appreciate him helping out since he is already up anyway. 
♥ I am thankful for good wine. I don't even drink often but a good glass of wine every once in a while is something for sure to be thankful for. 
♥ I am thankful that Scott and I are getting along a little better. We still are trying to find our way through the maze of marriage but we are trying. Life is complicated and marriage is long, which means lots of bumpy times. We just have to hold on. 
♥ I am thankful for all the long conversations Brittany and I have been having. Its hard not being there with her everyday but we are super close and doesn't change with miles between us. She is everything I thought she would be. 
♥ I am thankful we are moving into fall. I love all that the autumn brings. However I am thankful that its still warm here for the most part and I can still hear my little outside song birds sing to me each morning.
♥ I am thankful that my bed felt like a big fluffy cloud last night. I think I was just that exhausted but it was easy to lay down and go to sleep. Since I was able to sleep in, it felt even more amazing this morning. 
♥ I am thankful that I finally got my weekly grocery and household shopping done. It totally wore me out but now the boys can stop complaining! Stay tuned for that video later today...and it has a lot of my weekly food prep included too.  
♥ I am thankful for all the new TV shows on. I am loving Madam Secretary and How to get away with Murder. I am also loving Rush, a new USA series that both Scott and I have been enjoying. 
♥ I am thankful I got to apologize to someone I was a complete nut to here recently. I was rude...nothing he did warranted me to flip out like I did. I seriously am still working on controlling my temper at 38. 
♥ I am thankful that our dog Super Cooper has been feeling better since we have changed his diet and put him on meds. I was just thinking last night how happy I was that he has been seizure free since his last Vet visit. Yeaaaa!!!
♥ I am thankful for my oldest son calling. He might not say a lot but its nice that he is finally calling. Now I just wish he would find the courage to actually speak but I am thankful he is trying in his own way.
♥ I am thankful cozy fall comfort food. Yep...its that time of year again for soups, stews, and hearty meals. Here lately...they have been so yummy! 
♥ I am thankful for you guys. You all have been so supportive during this complicated time. I have read all your comments and I am totally thankful for all the love and support you have given us. We are doing day at a time. Thanks so much. I love you guys. 
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