Week in Review September 15-21, 2014 w/ Day in the Life Vlog!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our weekend. I also vlogged a little each day which you can see in the video below. I have been trying to move all my video's to my main channel including the vlogs but for right now I am uploading them to both channels. I think that is the best way to do it right now but eventually they will probably all move to my housewife life main youtube channel. I hope you don't mind but I have been trying to figure out a way to make everyone happy. I don't expect you to watch them twice but now you will be able to find my vlogs on both channels. 

Also being I have been so off schedule, there was just no way I could get this published yesterday. Hopefully this next week, I will get on a better schedule...If you want to see how our week went around the Jaggers House, enjoy the video....and there is more below!

This past week was pretty much a complete mess for me. I can't get myself on any kind of schedule...hence, this odd WIR blog post. I am just not going to take you though day by day on this blog post...the video pretty much explains what kind of week it was for me. Really I am still finding trouble trying to figure out a schedule that will actually work for me right now. I feel like such a mess. But hopefully with each passing day I will be able to readjust and get things back to normal. 
Scott has been home the past few days which is different. Who knows how many days in a row that he will be here. I will explain in time what is going on with him but I would certainly call it a mid life crisis. But whatever....we'll see where it goes. We are fine financially so I guess its ok for him to go out and find himself. He hasn't made any concrete decisions but I am guessing that the road ahead is about to be bumpy. I will just keep praying and hope things go better than I think they will. 
So now on to this week....here's a few things I need to get done. 

Here's some inspiration for the week:
Have a beautiful and blessed day.
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