Week in Review Sept 22-28, 2014 w/ Life Update Vlog

Monday, September 29, 2014
Hello friends. I hope you are having a great evening. I thought I would pop in and say hello to you all. So many of you noticed that I had not blogged a lot and started sending in emails that I never answered. So I recorded a video and put it up. I thought about it a bit and took it down and then decided to go on and share it because it is our life...our family...and our truth. Its not pretty...its not glamorous...its real life with real problems. I am very thankful for all the emails and notes sent in and I am also thankful for all the comments on the video because your suggestions have been awesome. I have read every single one and I hear you and feel your love and support. And I am also glad that our family life ( which is a total mess ) lets a few of you guys know that you are not alone. We are all here to learn and grow. I have made so many mistakes through out the years but each has taught me various lessons. I am sure this difficult period in time is just another lesson of sorts that our entire family is learning together. I have to hope that we will come through these hard times better and stronger. In the video below, you will hear me talking about struggling in my relationship with my husband but we are still here fighting through the issues trying our hardest to get through these difficult times. We are not divorcing. Instead we are fighting to make things better. While we have talked a lot about splitting up in the past weeks, neither of us really want that. So know that we are working on things and trying to make them better all the way around. 

While this video might seem a little sad, know that today has been going a little better. We are just taking things moment by moment, day by day. And with God's grace we will look back at this moment in time and realize it was just a drop in the buck of our life. 

This week we also celebrated my sisters birthday! She is growing up into such a beautiful person who I adore. Happy Happy Birthday Laci. ♥

Here's what I should get done this week...
  • Put up all the laundry waiting on me.
  • Try to start getting back on schedule no matter what is going on around here...Yea, I know I have been saying it for weeks but we can hope right?
  • Bath the cats before it gets colder. 
  • Get purse cleaned out. 
  • Walk more. Getting out in nature always makes me feel better. I might be a hermit but I truly love nature. 
  • Try to be more understanding with everyone in my life. God give me patience. 
  • Get grocery list written out and go shopping. 
  • Try to start making videos. I just need a few good days in a row and I should be back at it. Its just hard recording when I am not feeling good. 
  • Get freezer cleaned out and organized. 
  • Get to PO Box and get the mail. 
  • Maybe get a haircut sometime soon and also schedule pedi's for Scott and myself. 
  • Go through paperwork and pay bills. asap. 
  • Enjoy more baths....believe it or not, its been showers this past week and I dearly miss my long nightly bath.
  • Find more reasons to smile....focus on the good more than the bad. 
  • Get Jackson to start using his dictionary...its amazing how many words he doesn't know how to spell. I am sure spell check doesn't help him learn it but they also stopped having spelling tests 2 years ago. Guess they figured why teach it when spell check takes care of everything.  
  • Have Scott help me clean the leather living room furniture while he is home. 
  • Speaking of Scott being home, I need to remember that he needs a break sometimes too and while I am stressed out about it, its probably helping him a lot to have some time off. I need to remember that. 
Here is some inspiration for all of us this week:

So as you can tell this past week has not been easy. We are so out of whack and out of sync with everything that its going to take a while to get things back on track. I am trying. I promise that I will try to get back to some kind of schedule in the coming days. Thank you for all your love and support. 
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