- Put up all the laundry waiting on me.
- Try to start getting back on schedule no matter what is going on around here...Yea, I know I have been saying it for weeks but we can hope right?
- Bath the cats before it gets colder.
- Get purse cleaned out.
- Walk more. Getting out in nature always makes me feel better. I might be a hermit but I truly love nature.
- Try to be more understanding with everyone in my life. God give me patience.
- Get grocery list written out and go shopping.
- Try to start making videos. I just need a few good days in a row and I should be back at it. Its just hard recording when I am not feeling good.
- Get freezer cleaned out and organized.
- Get to PO Box and get the mail.
- Maybe get a haircut sometime soon and also schedule pedi's for Scott and myself.
- Go through paperwork and pay bills. asap.
- Enjoy more baths....believe it or not, its been showers this past week and I dearly miss my long nightly bath.
- Find more reasons to smile....focus on the good more than the bad.
- Get Jackson to start using his dictionary...its amazing how many words he doesn't know how to spell. I am sure spell check doesn't help him learn it but they also stopped having spelling tests 2 years ago. Guess they figured why teach it when spell check takes care of everything.
- Have Scott help me clean the leather living room furniture while he is home.
- Speaking of Scott being home, I need to remember that he needs a break sometimes too and while I am stressed out about it, its probably helping him a lot to have some time off. I need to remember that.