Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great Monday. I am kinda running late with this post/video because I was really sick yesterday and just didn't feel like working on it last night. I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our weekend. I also vlogged a little each day which you can see in the video below. I have been trying to move all my video's to my main channel including the vlogs but for right now I am uploading them to both channels. I think that is the best way to do it right now but eventually they will probably all move to my housewife life main youtube channel. I hope you don't mind but I have been trying to figure out a way to make everyone happy. I don't expect you to watch them twice but now you will be able to find my vlogs on both channels.
Here is my vlog from this past week. I recorded some each day.. and there are a ton more pictures and thoughts about the past week... hope you enjoy!
Click ↓ Below ↓ to read the post in full.
This Past Week:
I actually went shopping a little later this past week. Scott and I went to the zoo last Sunday ( kinda the last thing we were doing alone before Jackson came home. ) So that meant Monday I had to go shopping to get a few things. It was kinda nice because I didn't have to get that much and I got out of the store pretty fast. The weather was actually kinda nice. We have been getting tons and tons of rain but the sun was shinning so I put the kitchen herbs outside for a few hours just to get some extra sun. Also I got in my new Habit Stickers for my EC Life Planner. They are super nice and I am totally in love with my little reminders!
As we moved on into the week, I got sucked into looking at pictures of Afghan Hounds. I think we will probably get one at the beginning of next year and for a while I wanted a blonde puppy but that silver and black one in the picture is breathtaking! Decisions..Decisions.. I also got another package of planner supplies this time these handy little envelopes. I seriously love etsy! I also made another batch of homemade laundry soap. Its so convenient and easy to make and will save you tons of money if you make a batch too. In the evening the kitty cats enjoyed some fresh air...they are always at the sliding glass doors when I have it open. I just have to be careful because a couple of our cats will screen fight with other outside cats that come up on the porch. I also made some delicious steak quesadillas, They were super easy to make and oh so good. We loved every bite!
I put off most of my weekly cleaning to the middle of the week. I wanted to get my cheap master bathroom organization video done and I had some appointments in early in the week. But a day or two later when I went back to do my weekly cleaning, I noticed a big leak in the ceiling. Scott came home from work because I was nervous that the ceiling might come crashing in. We both went up into the scary attic and found the leak. This is why I love renting. I called the owner right up and requested she send someone out to get it fixed. That same day we had 2 drunk Russians show up and actually stopped the leak. They still have more to do and then we have to have the ceiling fixed in the bathroom but there is no more leak. And they were seriously drunk... I was kinda nervous they were going to fall off the ladder or something but they didn't and they were all smiles and really nice. I worried but they did fine! The little helper who was not drunk drove them here and back...so I guess they got it all worked out. In all fairness they didn't show up into the late evening and it was a emergency call. So they probably don't drink during the work day.. I guess! While they were fixing the roof I was busy cleaning out upstairs closets and getting a lot ready to donate. I also started a new night time skin treatment called Nerium. I have a review coming up in a few weeks and a giveaway so stay tuned for that. But in the mean time click here to check out the before and after pictures....its pretty amazing if you ask me!
I saw this National Geographic picture and totally fell in love. Its precious. A young monk studing his prayer book with Gods rays shinning through. I think its truly amazing and love it. So I made it my screen saver!
Saturday night we were tired and needed to eat but I didn't want to cook. I love the little animated guy on the Dominos Website plus I love their pizza. We were up till about midnight and then had to raise out of the bed on Sunday at 530am to go get Jackson. It was like laying my head on the pillow for 5 minutes. I woke up really sick and still had to go get Jackson. It was truly one of the worst experiences I have ever had. I got sick all the way there and all the way back. We were stopping for every 10-15 minutes for 10-15 minutes causing us to be super late to pick him up. There was nothing that I could do about it though.
Once we finally got home....I took a shower and got worse so I headed out to the ER. It was the last thing I wanted to do the night we bring Jackson back but I really didn't have a choice.
Once I got in there and got some help, it was no time till I was feeling better. I am thankful for all the Dr.'s and Nurses who helped me. I have never really had a bad Dr. experience in my life and I totally trust them. I came home like a new person and made a pot of potato soup and went to bed pretty early. I was super tired and needed rest.

- Go get Jackson's school supplies today...plus he needs a new HD cable thing for the tv.
- Get at least the kitchen cleaned today and toss laundry around.
- Take Jackson to register him at his new school tomorrow.
- On Wednesday we have Jacksons Dentist apt.
- Also on Wednesday its time for a new school hair cut and family time.
- Make videos for this week and edit including Jackson's Dads School haul.
- Thursday take Jackson School Clothes shopping for the rest of the items he needs for the new school year.
- Have patience with Scott and Jackson. Gotta let things that bother me pass by easily.
- Friday take Jackson to the Eye Dr. Gosh.. lots of pre school things to do.
- Work on 1st floor closets.
- Plant herb cuttings outside.
- Find Myrtle Beach hotel for family trip.
- I did want to say that I am not doing vlogust. I just don't want to film and edit that much right now. I like the Week in Review vlogs and maybe will do vlogtober but right now things are staying the same.
- Joining up and being a co host this week with a bloggy link up. Need to follow all the other cohosts asap!
- Give Cupcake a bath. She is the hardest cat in the house to get a bath so she's always last.
- Work in planner. I have a ton to do and basically only have the appointments written out. I am so off schedule.
- Call family that I need to catch up with.
Here's some inspiration to take along with you this week...
Have a great week!