Thankful Thursday

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Good Day Friends! I hope you are getting along well with this beautiful Thursday. I am back with my Thankful Thursday blog post that just helps remind me to not take things for granted and remember what's important...what I am truly thankful for.

We left for vacation a week ago today. Wow.. where does time go? Anyway, we headed to Myrtle Beach where we met up with Laura & Jerred and Laci and Brian. We also had Jackson of course, and one of his little friends. As we walked into our Villa I was a little upset wishing I had picked better. I guess it might have been my ego as much as anything else in that moment. But I just rolled with it. I could see, smell and hear the ocean from our room so no matter what the room looked like, I was ok. I was totally grateful for that alone. I love the ocean. Well, I love the ocean from shore! I will get in a little but its calming and refreshing to me. As the days went on when we were all together, it was such a lovely time. I am grateful for the hard work from Scott that paid for the entire thing. I am thankful that the little kids enjoyed every aspect of it and thought the room was actually awesome. My sister and her boyfriend were also there, enjoying the beach and just down time. There were no fights or arguments... no stress of any kind and time spent with our loved ones. How could I not be grateful for every minute? This was the first trip ever that Scott and I paid for 6 adults and 2 kids. He would have paid for more if I hadn't stopped him! But another thing I am very grateful that for the entire trip we managed to stay within budget. No one complained about that either. It was simply one of the best vacations I have ever had. The only person missing was Brittany Belle and she just started school so I couldn't take her out and I am not sure her dad would have went along with beach instead of school anyway. I am really thankful that my bad negative attitude about this trip before hand didn't ruin my vacation. I was worried about a lot of things before hand yet, half the shit I worried about didn't even happen. It was a great vacation and we all made a ton of great memories. 

I am also extremely thankful for my morning time right now. I use to hate them...and to be honest, I am still not a fan but I am working hard with starting each day with a new better attitude. I always start the morning with reading from my prayer book and prayer anyway but I am now starting to mediate for just a couple of minutes. What that simply means is, sitting there in silence, trying to get centered for the tasks ahead with the new day. I am thankful for how that is making me feel before all the obstacles, appointments, tasks and life starts up again. I feel like I have a little something extra powering me through it now. I just don't know how well this will work on a extremely busy morning when I am already running late....probably when I need it the most. Right now I will just take it one day at a time and be thankful for every second I am blessed with. 

Happy Thursday!