Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday! I am back with my weekly Thankful Thursday. Feel free to join up by click the Thankful Thursday link at the bottom of this post. :) Here's what I am thankful for this week:

I am thankful for feeling a little better. Last Sunday and Monday I was so sick that I thought I was dying. I have no idea if it was food poisoning or a stomach bug but I am so thankful I am not sick and also very thankful for Scott, the Dr. and the nurses helping me to get better
I am very very thankful that little Jackson is back home. Scott and I both missed him a lot while he was at his dads house this summer. We are happy he had a good time and got to see a lot of his old friends but we are happier is back in the house.

I am thankful my grandma is back at my uncles and doing good. I swear she moves than anyone I know including myself. I think the Gypsy blood that runs though my mom and my own veins....started and came right from grandma.

I am thankful our Golden Retriever Super Cooper is doing ok after having 3 seizures on Tuesday. It flipped me out bad watching him like that. We have a VET appotiemnt tomorrow to see if we can figure out why this just started happening to him. I'm just glad he seems ok right now.

I am thankful my back seems to be healing up after I did something stupid to hurt it. It felt like within a 6 inch circle in the middle of my back, was really damaged and sore. Just this week, its starting to feel better. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
I am thankful for all the cool planner supplies I keep finding on etsy. Gosh... I now understand why everyone loves it so much! I'm hooked. I could seriously spend a lot of money in a short amount of time shopping there.
I am thankful for the really nice day we had out yesterday as a family. In the morning Scott and Jackson went golfing and then in the afternoon we all went tubing. We came home had pizza and then went shopping. I am thankful for a good day together.

I am so happy and thankful that I finally picked out my new bedding! I kept looking and thought I found it a few times. Last night this one kept standing out to me and I just went ahead and ordered it. Decision made..finally! Its been a long time coming. I was going for simple black and white but this one kept catching my eye! THANKFUL I am done hunting. Also last night we bought Scott and Jackson new bedding.

I am thankful I got all the people I really don't know off my facebook page. I just didn't take it seriously. I also didn't take my privacy seriously. I am thankful for getting my head straight and making big changes.
I am thankful I think...that maybe we finally found someone to help clean our house. I know many don't understand why we would want that being I am home...but its a lot to keep up with and I don't always want to do it. She is coming Sat and doing a big clean...and then coming back bi weekly unless we need her more.
I am thankful tonight we are finally making the final decision where we are staying in Myrtle Beach. I think we have narrowed it to the top 3 hotels/condos. If you have stayed somewhere you love in Myrtle Beach I would love to hear from you....soon!
I am thankful that I am slowly getting ahead with my youtube. I got a few videos already done and if I keep it up I will stay ahead of schedule! :)

I am thankful for you guys. I am always so touched when I hear from you in emails and comments. I have loved blogging for a long time and really hold dear some of the friendships that were made right here Thank you for being such good bloggy friends!
Have a beautiful Thursday! I will be back in a bit with a new haul video!
If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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