Friday Letters

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dear God, 
I am so sorry for sounding demanding but I need you to help supply my soul with more patience than you made me with. I know I am perfect in your eyes however, my family would say I need more patience. Could you help please!? Thank you for getting us all through another week. You could take me right now...right second but I want my kids to have a full happy life. Please protect them through their journey. 

Dear Beach, 
Have I told you how much I miss you? I miss everything about you...the vast open water, the sounds of the waves crashing, the smell of the salt water flowing through the air, and the sunshine. I don't think we can move to you at least for another year because of Jackson being in school. He is starting to make a bunch of new friends and I know he is not going to want me to pack up and move again. Gosh the things we do for the kids...because I would be packing the house up right now to move if it wasn't for little Jackson. 

Dear Jordan, 
You can keep up with your antics on your blog all day long. Its your life.. and you can use it up by hating me or you can try to be happy. I am at a loss for words why you are so filled with hate. I love you and want you to be happy. I am not perfect... I never will be and I wish you would stop fighting so hard and start focusing on the love and the good in life...I guess I will just keep waiting like I have been. 

Dear Trina, 
I felt so sad when I read your most recent blog post. I can totally relate and the offer still stands if you want to run away. I think we could get part time jobs....and cover everything! :) I love you and I know you work hard and try your best to take care of your family but guess what? You deserve a real vacation too. Come on Philly! 

Dear Cooper, 
So far this week no seizures...yea!!! I am sorry that you are not getting all that yummy unhealthy food. I promise, we are just doing it for your own well being. Actually that might not be completely true. You are a member of our family and it might be selfish but we want you around for a while longer. 

Dear Laura, 
You are seriously one of my most favorite people on the planet. You have a heart of gold and I am very thankful you are in my life. You know your dad feels the same way. Your another reason I want to move but I can't and won't move to New Albany. Lets all move to Florida at the same time!!! I love you...kiss the girls for me and tell Jerred hi! 

Dear Stomach,
Please please stop hurting me. I have to go shopping in a bit and will never get through it unless you start feeling better. 

Dear Brittany, 
Do you have any idea how much I miss you. I can't wait until you move out of New Albany. I am scared you will turn out into a drug addict staying there. I keep trying to talk your daddy into moving and hopefully one day he figures out life on the beach is better than life in that little dirty city. Keep doing great in school and don't forget to call me today. 

Dear Michael Brown, 
Everyone is focusing on your death and I understand why. I don't think you should have been shot 6 times when you had no weapons. Period. But I do feel a little different. I believe before you ever came to this world, you knew how you would die and picked it. I think you died to make a change. I think your death and the many things will come from it was probably more important than your life. I don't mean that disrespectful in anyway. I just think your lifes work started really at your death. What the changes come from what happened to you. We lift your family in our prayers. 

Dear Scott, 
Sorry for hurting your feelings last night. As I explained, it came from a place of deep frustration. It doesn't mean I don't love you and don't want us to have a happy and healthy life together. Fresh day... fresh start. 

Dear Jaggers House Kitty Cat Gang, 
You little assholes are driving me crazy. I hope you are figuring out I am not opening a can of food for you. You are also on new diets and you better be happy I am still free feeding you. I could measure your food out like Coopers. Trying to trip me up on the stairs, stealing food off unattended plates, and being a mean little bunch is not going to switch your diet back. 

Dear Dr. Kent Brantly, 
Wow....I knew you were in good hands coming back for treatment and YOU WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL YESTERDAY! Amazing. I don't care what anyone says...Dr's I trust. And they fixed you up....saved your life....and I bet you continue on Gods journey to help more people. I am so happy for you. 

Dear Jackson, 
I am so happy you had a great time at Myrtle Beach. It was so worth taking a friend for you to play with. You both did great. I'm very proud of you. more pranks or messing with peoples food at school.

Dear Laci, 
I miss you even though we were just together. To me it didn't feel like we got enough time together on vacation. I seriously need to move but one of the many problems with that is if I do move back to Florida it will be on the other side of the state than you! :( Call me. 

Dear James Foley,
I am sorry for what you went through. I truly am. I think your death is a statement death too. I think there will be so many things come from what happened to you. We never know how broad that scope is but I have to believe something good will come from it. I'm not sure why you read their statement on the eve of your death... personally if they were going to do that to me, I would have been screaming I love my family and telling to US to come blow the assholes up. Those would be my words...I promise you that. However, you seemed at peace and I hope we get them because you didn't deserve that. Rest in the peace of God now. 

Dear Shanna, 
Stay on his ass...stay on his ass...stay on his ass...Teenagers think they know it all and most of the time they don't know shit. I am so glad you stood your ground and expect the exact same advice when its Brittany & Jackson.

Dear Body,
I don't know what you had a reaction to last night but my tongue swelling up and stinging freaked me out. It didn't last long but something caused that.. I just wish I knew what. 

Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, 
Thank you guys for always being a place of inspiration. I truly value all the friendships formed through blogging and making videos. Thanks for sticking with us while we navigate through this very complex life. I hope you have a beautiful Friday! 

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