Happy Friday friends! I am back with another Edition of Friday Letters. Sorry for skipping last week. I just wasn't feeling good. Hope you enjoy!
Dear God, I am thankful for everything you do. I really am. I am trying to follow your path for me and not wander too much. Life is complicated and I need your love and support. Dear Brittany, I am so happy your first day of school went well. I worry about you so much but I just know you are going to have a great year! Dear Rain, I love you. You rained all day yesterday and it looks like the same is happening today. I just wish you would stop before I have to go run errands. Dear Scott, I know things are complicated a lot of times. I also know I say a ton of wrong things. I love you and want things better but remember that you have things to work on too. Lets make life better and better for each other.Lets keep fighting to make it better. Its only going to be us after the kids leave...so we need to take better care of each other. Dear Jackson, I know its going to be hard leaving your dad this Sunday. Just don't forget its not forever and its because we want the best for you and your sister. I can't wait to get you home! Dear Parent in this story...you must be some kind of idiot. I try to not judge other parents but you are such an idiot and forever changed your sons life with your stupid decision. I am shocked and I hope you understand now that you are here to be your child's parent and guide them in the right direction not into a tigers cage. Dear Mom, Sorry you haven't been feeling good. I hope you start feeling better and I also hope you understand where I was coming from in our recent discussion. I love you and always will. Dear Richard Gere, I still find you sexy as hell after all these years! Totally enjoyed watching you in the old movie - The Double - I had never seen it before but I sure enjoyed watching you! Dear House, I am really emptying you out. Yesterday I got a ton of stuff ready to be donated and got not 1 but 3 closets upstairs re-organized and cleaned up! Nothing feels as good as having things caught up around here. I just wish it would stay that way! Dear Laci, I love having a grown up sister. Even though you are years younger than I am, its nice that you are finally an adult who gives great advice! I love you bunches! Dear Romeo, I have such a love affair going on with you. I don't think I have ever owned a kitty cat as special as you. Dear Akiane Kramarik, you truly amaze me. I seriously want to buy some of your art work. You were so blessed by God with your gifts and its makes me feel good in how you are showing it to the world. Dear Myrtle Beach Vacation, I am so ready for you! Dear Stalker, you are no longer my facebook friend. Yep.. No thanks. I know for someone else to keep up such hidden hate and who has done what you have done for years, is seriously mentally unstable and dangerous. Thanks to the picture you posted, I quickly realized my dumb ass accepted you without knowing. And sending my mom that fb request was priceless. No matter what you do to me short of killing me will stop me from having a happy blessed life. It must suck being you but I am done. I don't care what you write or what you say... I will not stop blogging or making videos because you are jealous. You seriously need to move on. I will continue to pray for you. Dear Stomach, please stop growling and grumbling. I promise I will get breakfast in me soon! Dear Danielle, I was so happy to get your email last night! I read each line like I was on the last page of a very good book. I hung on to every word and I promise to email you back tonight or tomorrow! Dear Laura, Your dad and I miss you and the girls a lot. I wish we all lived closer together. Lets all move to Florida together! Dear Nails, I bit the bullet and had fake nails put on you.For years I tried undoing the damage from years of fake nails and I simply lost my patience. I am alI ways shocked at how much better they look than my own nails. I suck at doing them myself so I guess I just won't! Dear Bloggy/Youtube Friends, First if you want to see who the winners of the Erin Condren life planners before I get the video posted in a little bit, click right here and check out the rafflecopter form for the names! Thank you Thank you Thank you all for entering. I don't think I have ever had such a successful giveaway like this one before. That just tells me how much you all love that life planner like I do! If you didn't win remember you can get $10 off simply buy clicking on the link in my sidebar and ordering. You guys are simply amazing and I really appreciate you guys sticking around with me. Your inspiring emails and comments always lift my spirits up and make me smile! :) I hope you have a great Friday...I'll be back in a bit!