Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. I am back with this week's Thankful Thursday Post. We all should take some time to reflect on what we are really thankful for. Rather it's in a blog post or private diary, it doesn't matter. It just helps you not take things for granted and also helps bring out happiness from sometimes the most simplest of moments. Hope you enjoy.
♥ I am thankful for such beautiful weather. I get to listen to the birds sing, see the flowers bloom and enjoy late afternoon showers. Its simply beautiful here. I am sure the fall will be just as nice. We normally have the doors and windows open as much as possible and just let the sunshine come in. I am so thankful its not winter.
♥ I am thankful to Scott for working hard. Our bills are super high. We have a larger house with 2 different air air conditioners and heating it costs a fortune. But he works really hard to pay all the bills ( in the same month! hahaha ) and I admire that about him. He is a wonderful provider.
♥ I am thankful to my sister who told me on a recent phone call that I was good mom. She said our mom says it a lot and that people who are not really in our family, have given me a bad rap at times. It touched my heart to hear someone I love so much say I am a good mom. I am not conventional in anyway but it makes me proud to hear both of them say it. I grew up with my grandparents who put my mom through hell for many years. My father and her split up and they financially fueled the custody wars. I was told terrible things about her but was still able to see her and have her in my life. Once I got older, things changed. She was in my life full time and she is a wonderful mom. I don't get it but I am thankful that she is with me every step of the way and the same with my sister. We are both better because of her and lucky to have her as our mom. I am thankful both of those ladies are my family and I hold them so close in my heart.
♥ I am thankful things calmed down with my ex husband. We got into a scheduling war and gosh...it was a mess for a couple of days. Trying to line everyone's schedules and wants up is very difficult at times. We got it worked out though.
♥ I am thankful that my daughter is growing up into a strong smart young woman. I am trying to guide her but at the same time let her be herself and walk her own path. However, that path better lead to college. :)
♥ I am thankful for you guys. There are days when things are not going so well for me and all of a sudden, a email or comment will pop in and totally life my spirits. You all are so inspiring and I am thankful that you take time to come our lives and I am proud to say you are my friends!
♥ I am thankful our cat Gabby came right up to the back door when she got out the other day. She's no dummy... there's no pillows or fancy feast outside. I didn't even know she was out until she just showed up on the back porch. I was bringing groceries in from the garage earlier and I guess she just got out.
♥ I am thankful for the new Dr. who is helping me with some medical issues. I have some testing to go through next Wednesday that I am dreading but hopefully he will figure everything out and fix me up!
♥ I am thankful for lazy days at home. We always stay so busy around here so lazy days are highly regarded. However on Scott's lazy day he worked his ass off in the yard. I was shocked at how long he was out there working and sweating. He slept really good that night.

♥ I am thankful my husband finally agreed to getting me a Afghan Hound. It might early next year but we are getting one.. and I am sooooooo freaking happy! We are now just trying to figure out what his name will be!
♥ I am thankful for Jackson coming home soon. Its always heartbreaking for him to leave his dads but its time for school to start and he has to get serious again. As soon as he gets home, he has a very busy schedule getting ready for the new school year. We really miss him and are so ready for him to come back.
♥ I am thankful long hot bubble baths. I haven't been taking a long bath every night. Instead I sometimes opt for a quicker shower but I had a to die for bubble bath last night and loved every minute of it. I was so relaxed when I got out.
♥ I am thankful for all the summer bounty of fresh produce. Here in SC we have some amazing fruit stands. All the veggies are bright and fresh right now. The peaches are mouth watering and I was truly thankful the other day when I sunk my teeth in a fresh peach. It was summer in every bite.
♥ I am thankful for the internet and tv working today. Three days this week it has went out. Last night it went out at midnight and I was so angry. It wasn't even raining. This morning it was back on and I was thankful to be able to tune in to CNN.
♥ I am thankful for the stars in the sky. A few days ago our outside table umbrella was destroyed in a storm so last night I went out there and I could see so many stars. I sat out there for a while just gazing up wondering who else was doing the same.
♥ I am thankful for workout pants and yoga pants. Yep. I sure am. They have been a staple the past few weeks to do everything from yard work, housework and even quick errands around town. They are comfy, and so easy to wear.
I hope you take a few minutes today and reflect on what you are thankful for. If you are a blogger and have a Thankful Thursday to share, leave it in the comments so I can come drop by!
I have a skin care review coming up in just a little while.. come back and check it out. Happy Thursday!