Hello friends! I hope you are having a beautiful Friday! I am back with another edition of Friday Letters. This is simply little notes that I like to send out into the universe! Hope you enjoy.
Dear Self, You are finally sleeping better. I don't know what is happening but my body is going through some changes. I am bouncing out of the bed earlier and earlier. Keep trying to drink more water and go on a few more walks!
Dear MH17 I am so sorry for what happened. I was so shocked to see another Malaysian Airlines tragedy. We all lift you in our prayers. I can't believe they had another problem. Seriously you guys.. stay off that cursed airline.
Dear Mom, I'm really happy you are having such a great time in Florida! I know Laci has loved seeing you and I am sure the time with all the girls is really nice. Be careful heading to Indiana. I love you.. call me when you can.
Dear Must Love Dogs, I totally enjoyed watching you while I drifted off to sleep last night. :) Its been forever since I seen it and it was really cute! I love that big dog named Mother Teresa.
Dear Laura, I swear its freaky how things happen with us. We basically live the same life in different times. Another perfect example...both of us dealing with cable and internet problems at the same time in different states and with different companies. I continually get shocked by how similar our lives are. We love and miss you. Kiss the girls for us.
Dear Friday, Today is desk day. I am pretty happy with all the work I got done around the house yesterday. So that means today I am taking it a little easier. It will be a day in front of the computer and hopefully you are a very easy day to get through.
Dear Shanna, I am so happy for you guys! I wish more than anything that I could have been there for you on that very special day. I hope to make it home for the party but still not sure if I can come or not. Thank you for being such a sweet loyal friend. I love you bunches. And Emmie needs to be in her own bed now! :)
Dear Jackson, I miss you a lot. We can't wait to get you back home. I know you are not so excited about the new school year but I think its going to be great! We have a lot to do once you get home so get ready. I am pretty disappointed in what you told Brittany the other day. I know you wish I would shut up but you cannot and will not say those kinds of things to her or anyone else. I hate it that you loose your manners at your dads. They are suppose to go everywhere with you. I love you.
Dear Vladimir Putin, I wish we would just use a drone and blow your midget ass up. I think you are close to being the next Hitler. You are no President. Your a terrorist that should have to die for what you are doing to others. And btw....you can take back the Russian Spies I have living next door. I hope the last thing you here is a big BOOM. Kids should never be casualtys of war.
Dear Weather, From what I can tell we are suppose to have rain for the next 10 days. I love the rain but that's a little much. I guess I won't have to worry about watering any of the outside plants!
Dear Scott, You drive me crazy some days but I love you sooooo much! Thanks for all you do. I do appreciate it and I know its not always easy. I hope we have a great weekend together. I love you.
Dear Purse, I seriously need to clean you out today. Maybe I will just switch all together and do an updated video. Idk. But I seriously need to clean you up.
Dear Grandma Watteau, I am very conflicted about you. I have pretty good memories in my early years and then in the later years I have nothing but sad memories with you. I wonder everyday if you were just a dark spirit that did a lot of damage or if you were just a lost soul who didn't know what she was doing. I feel like I won't ever get the answers to my questions until I am dead but I really want to believe you were not evil but I just don't know.
Dear Cooper, I hate watching you grow older. It seems like yesterday when you were a bouncing happy puppy and now your kinda acting like its getting harder to get up the steps. You really are a member of our family and I worry about you.
Dear Black Cat, You running out in front of my car scared me for hours that I was going to have really bad luck. I admit, I had a few unlucky moments when I bumped into the coffee table leaving a huge bruise on my leg and in the same day I tripped a few other times. Ha! I guess I kinda took a beating but you didn't ruin my day!
Dear Brittany, I'm sorry I got busy and didn't talk to you yesterday. And why didn't you call your mom!? I love princess and hope you and your brother are getting along. Take it easy on your dad... you know this summer has been kinda crazy for him. I looooove you!
Dear Vicki, I thought for sure you were having that baby yesterday! I am waiting waiting waiting on the phone call! I hope you have a safe and beautiful birth. Take it all in......the birth of your first baby will never come again. Love you.
Dear Laci, I love talking to you more. Again you have a free pass to call me from the car! :) You totally warmed my heart with your comment that I was a good mom. It meant a lot to hear that from you. I love you very much and your one of the reasons I am ready to move down to Florida! Call when you can. I love you.
Dear Dishwasher, I don't give you as much credit as you deserve. You work every night freeing up my time. I hate to do a lot of dishes by hand and you make it easier to get the kitchen cleaned. Thanks for all the work you do!
Dear Nails, I can never keep you looking the way I want. I am about to give up and go get them done again. I just suck at keeping you nice. I have had acrylic nails off for a few years now but everyday I am reminded that I should go back!
Dear Trina, Thank you for taking all my calls yesterday! Hahahaha! I totally appreciate all the love and support you show Scott and myself. We love you a lot. Also thanks for all the Avon items that you send my way. I thought about that blog post more and going to email you in just a bit about it. See, I just can't stop bothering you!
Dear Hair, You just keep growing but I am not sure if I should have long long hair in my late 30's. But after growing the angled bob out....which took a long time so I guess I will leave you alone for now!
Dear Romeo, You were a wild cat around here last night so much so that I am surprised that you are even up right now. I love you and you are the perfect kitty cat to cuddle with! You know your my favorite!
Dear bloggy/YT Friends, You guys are such inspiration to me. I read all the emails that you send in and I seriously have some of the best followers and subscribers. :) I love you guys and I totally appreciate you coming here and to my youtube channels sharing our lives. Thank you and if you ever need to chat, any of you guys can email me at anytime! I love getting to know you and your families.
I hope you guys all have a beautiful and blessed weekend! Stay tuned for a new zone cleaning video coming up a little later today!