Fresh Start | July 2014 |

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
I love new beginnings. I love fresh starts to the week, rainy days that lead us to beautiful sunshine, and the beginning of a new month is no different. Its a chance to start over and I see it as a chance to do things better. July is a great month where normally we are hanging with our little kids doing almost every summer activity known to man. We have picnics and go swimming...catch fire flies and enjoy summer grilled dinners. We are still going do most of the leisurely summer activities but this year the little kids are not here. So its been a rather grown up summer so far. Scott and I have been treating ourselves to more relaxation that normal this summer. We have been lounging around our home, out on our deck just getting a break from our busy everyday lives. We will be getting a few days with the older kids and our grandchildren this coming weekend but that is the most excitement kid wise we are having this summer. While we adore all of our kids, its been kinda nice having time just for ourselves. We are still getting in some of our favorite activities including picnics and evening walks. Instead of catching lighting bugs we are sitting from our comfy deck chairs watching them fly around the yard...witch cocktails! :) Its not been totally stress free though. We have had a lot of drama from Scott's ex and we have had a lot of drama from Brittany and Jackson. I have finally given up on Shannon. She is just not worth my time or energy however I can't give up on the kids. Most of the time, I am very understanding to the numerous calls a day...but putting them together is like mixing a bomb. Just a few days ago Brittany broke Jackson's ipad and yesterday I got the screaming phone call that now Brittany's iphone is broke. I simply hung up the phone. She started off the conversation with " I know I am going to have to wait till my birthday" and I knew. I just knew that phone was broke. I think it pretty much went down like this. 

→ Jacksons ipad got broke by Brittany and Brittany's phone got broke by Jackson ←

I got the phone call with their dad screaming in the background. And when we finally talked I realized how much stress he is under right now. Scott thinks maybe we should go on and get Jackson but you know....I think he can handle it. He doesn't want to come home early anyway so I just tried being a listening ear to my ex husband in his time of need. You could clearly tell the kids were testing his patience on every level. He hasn't been giving Jackson his ADHD meds and wonder why he is jumping off the furniture and such. Its a mad house over there and neither of us are replacing those items anytime soon. Nope. Its just ridiculous for them to have these very expensive items that WE pay for and then break them on each other. Well.. too bad so sad. I am fed up and they are not even here. I can only imagine what he is feeling. Instead, I am going to go on and enjoy my kid free...stress free summer for the few weeks I have left. 

Things To Do:

  • Adult 4th of July with my beautiful husband. Not sure what we are doing yet but we will be together! ♥
  • Go on as many picnics as possible.
  • Find a creek and take Cooper Swimming. 
  • Go to the Zoo
  • Grilled pizza with grilled smores 
  • Get more peaches and make cobblers for friends and family. 
  • Go to the beach...which is actually happening in August with Jackson! 
  • Make fresh Lemon Aid
  • After noon mountain drives with the top down. 
  • Eat meals outside as much as possible
  • Go garage sale shopping just to see what I find! 
  • Try to get in a couple baseball games
  • Work in the flowers
  • Make Ice Cream
  • Go to library 
  • Get house cleaned up and ready for a new school year
  • Find Jackson's new bedroom furniture
  • Look for more local Afghan Hound Breeders for my very possible Early Christmas Gift! 

I hope you all have a beautiful Tuesday! 

If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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