Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond ....this is always such a fun linkup.. join in anytime! Hope you enjoy. 

1. I've read several posts and status updates recently describing end of year school field trips. Do you remember taking school field trips as a kid? Where did you go and do you recall a favorite? For any parents responding today, have you ever chaperoned a school field trip, and if so where?

I think my 7th grade trip to Washington DC had to be the best out of them all. We had a wonderful time and instead of getting a tour of the White House, we got to meet the Ambassador of Hungry in the gardens. I swear.. it was a awesome day. Another thing I remember a lot about field trips growing up is my grandmother always being with us as a chaperon. However, one year she couldn't go and it just devastated me. But that was a huge learning experience for me because I learned that in that day that I could go on with out her and still have a good time! 

2. What's something you're tired of seeing online?

Mean comments on bloggers and youtubers. There are so many people willing to sit behind a computer screen and be cruel and to be very frank, it just pisses me off. So many friends along with myself have had to deal with stalker haters who love to criticize and just be mean. I seriously don't understand it but I would love for it to just go away.

3. June is the month for roses. Which of the following expressions would you say has most recently applied to your life-'everything's coming up roses', 'there's no rose without a thorn', 'came out smelling like a rose', or 'wearing rose-colored glasses'? 

There's no rose without a thorn. I think there is good and bad to almost everything. And here lately I have been taking the sweet with the sour like with Jackson leaving for the summer to go visit his dad. I want him to have a wonderful time but I sure am going to miss him. 

4. When grilling outdoors do you prefer gas or charcoal? Who does the grilling at your house? What's the last thing you ate that was cooked on a grill?

We cook on the grill all the time! I just posted this grilled pineapple pork chop recipe that I made outside on our charcoal grill. I never use gas. I love the way they look but I prefer the taste of charcoal. 

5. Are you afraid of the dark?

No. I am afraid of walking downstairs in the dark but I am not actually afraid of the dark. I like it super super dark to go to sleep! 

6. Share a favorite song with a number in it's title.

7. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."(C.G. Jung). Do you agree? Why or why not?

Of course I agree. We can figure out that maybe we need to be more caring or more patient.. you can totally find more understanding of yourself in every situation.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I can't believe summer is here. This school year for my kids passed so fast. It was a wonderful year and now we are moving into a kid free summer. I am not sure what my husband and I are going to be doing in such an empty house but we are going to try to make the best of it. I have been saying for days now that we are going to both have the empty nest syndrome. But secretly I think my husband is kinda looking forward to it! For years we have had a houseful of kids every summer so this is sure going to be a shock! I'm sure you will all hear about how its going over the next couple of months! 

Husby and Jackson both are home today so we are having a nice family day smack in the middle of the week! Hope its a great day. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday! 

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