Hello friends! Happy Thursday to you all. Its been a busy day for me with appointments and such so I am kinda running late with everything! So here are the things I am am thankful for this week...hope you enjoy!
♥ I am thankful that I finally got my closet done. I finished it up on Monday and it feels so much nicer going in there. It took a lot of time and work but it was totally worth it.
♥ I am thankful to God for following right along with me as I wander on and off the path of my life. I am still trying to find my way, and I am blessed because you have always stayed with me.

♥ I am thankful for Jackson finishing up school this week. Its been a long year of homework, tests, and school issues. Finally, we get a break! - And yes, I said WE - Scott too!
♥ I am thankful for a good nights sleep. Here lately, I have been doing a lot of tossing and turning but last night I was finally able to soundly sleep.
♥ I am thankful to be almost done with my current book. This time it took a while to really get into it and read it but its nice having a little time to myself to sit down and read, which doesn't happen often.
♥ I am thankful not be vlogging everyday. Slowing down has been a blessing. I was so use to doing it that the first week or two, I kinda felt lost at times but now I am totally loving it. Weekends and trips are enough.
♥ I am thankful for the little moments through last week when I would sit outside just enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. Being able to get fresh air on warm days makes me happy happy!
♥ I am thankful that yesterday's Dentist for Jackson went well. His teeth look good and we are moving on to the braces faze. I am sure he won't like that but we are not giving him any choice so like it or not, hes going to have a gorgeous smile...He'll thank me later.
♥ I am thankful I finally got all the animals around here trimmed up for summer. That also took days but they all seem cooler and happier.
♥ I am thankful for good coffee. With the string of early appointments this week ( including tomorrow ), there is no way I would be able to get out the door without having some good coffee first.
♥ I am thankful for Scott working so hard to make things better each day. Marriage is hard and I know my job is to love him the way he is instead of changing him. However, its really nice to see him taking a stand to make things the best they can be.
♥ I am thankful for fresh simple food on these warmer days. I made a spring fruit salad that was so delicious...I dreamed about it one night.
♥ I am thankful for a mom who always listens and tries her best to help my sister and myself. She really is a wonderful mom.
♥ I am thankful for our ceiling fans. I am not a huge fan of air conditioning and the fans sure make all the difference on warm days.
♥ I am thankful to be right here in South Carolina right now. This state is so beautiful. The weather is beautiful and the people are nice. The other day I was strolling around Walmart and was shocked at how nice people that day were. Everyone was saying hello and excuse me.. really being kind. I like it here. But I am not sure this is where I want to call home forever. I am still dreaming of life in the sunshine state again but maybe we are not suppose to be there right now. So this is home for now.
♥ I am thankful for Jacksons teachers. They have really worked with him this past year. He had his ups and downs but they kept loving him. I couldn't ask for anything more. They really deserve a standing ovation.
♥ I am so very thankful to you guys who come visit and sometimes send me the most touching messages. I love getting to know you and your families. You guys have made my heart grow and I am so very blessed for your friendships. Thank you .
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed afternoon!