Helloooo Saturday!

Saturday, May 31, 2014
Happy Saturday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon. I woke up late today but it was exactly what I needed. Most of this past week, I have been going to bed super late and getting up too damn early. I felt exhausted last night and when I was finally able to go to sleep and stay in bed a little longer, made all the difference in how I feel today. Scott finally got tired of waiting on me to get up and ended up calling and getting my butt out of the bed. Funny thing is, when I got up and checked on little Jackson....he was in bed too just waking up himself! Guess he needed a break too. We are just being sleepy heads around here today. I just wish Scott was here to lay around with us!

Here are some of my Saturday thoughts. 

  • The rain is coming again. It almost looks like night outside at 3 in the afternoon. 
  • For some reason, my stomach is acting up today. NO FUN.
  • My sister finally got her box that I mailed. Soooo happy she likes it!
  • My uncles dad broke his neck in 3 places a couple nights ago.. and he is still alive. WOW.
  • Jackson was sad all evening about missing his teachers. Its so nice they have made that kind of impact on him. 
  • I let Scott order my dinner last night and he did an amazing job. It was so delicious! 
  • I saw where Donald Sterling is suing the NBA. I actually hope he wins. Private conversations at home should never be used against us. Think of how many things YOU have said in the comforts of your own house. Would you ever want those used against you? I think NOT.
  • I need to start working on the grocery list. I think I am going to make all Jackson's favorites since he will be leaving next weekend. Gosh... I am really going to miss him. He said to me..." Mom, please don't cry this time....you know I am coming back. " Ok.. I will try to hold the tears back but no promises. 
  • I searched high and low yesterday for freebies and nothing! Days like that drive me nuts. :) 
  • Therapy went good this week. We had nothing bad to report so we are starting to work on long term annoyances of each other. Maybe just maybe...some of the most nerve racking behavior on both of our parts can be dealt with and resolved. 
  • I seriously want a bonsai tree. Check this cute one out! LOVE IT! This is the Hobbit Bonsai tree. I am going to start looking for the perfect little tree and go from there. 
  • Right now all the neighbors are rushing around trying to get their yards done before the rain. Its kinda funny because on both sides of me both guys are speeding around on their mowers in what looks to be a contest to see who can finish first. I think the guy on the right will win! 

  • My oldest son turns 18 today. Its crazy how time has passed so fast. We don't have much of a relationship right now but one day I really hope that changes. 

    • I watched Red 2 last night and let just say....The South Korean Actor Byung-hun Lee is something to see.  Holy shit.. Muscles don't even do it for me but I must say....that this is one beautiful man who is very easy to watch! I've got to find more of his movies.
    • I am still responding to emails. I replied back to a handful of people late last night. Sorry if an email comes in at 2am.. I am just replying when I can! 
    • This past week I have felt tired...kinda sick and today seems to be the first day I don't feel so tired but my body is still not right. I don't know whats's going on but I have an appointment with a new Dr. next week. 
    • Its the weekend so that means cleaning the chalkboard wall. I do it every week and honest to God...its a work out! But I love it! 
    • Its getting late in the afternoon. I have got to get moving! I hope you all have a wonderful week. I will be back in a bit a beauty video. Tomorrow I have a recipe coming that is going to be a for sure hit in your family and Monday I will have my weekly food haul up.  Have a great day! 

    If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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