Cleaning for Company Part 1 & Part 2 VIDEOS + My home

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Today my husband is out working in the yard and I am playing catch up on everything inside the house...which includes catching up on here too! So last week we had company here and I had a lot to do to get ready for them. And since I have not been able to really zone clean due to my ribs, I thought this would be a great opportunity to show you guys how I get the house ready for guests! 

Part 1 is all about getting the first floor cleaned. Our house is large and for me it's easier to break it up in different days. 

Part 2 is the second floor and a few other spaces that I like to tidy up too. Plus a few other things I like to do when I know company is coming. 

How I clean for company really depends on how much notice I have that they are coming In very fast situations I go through the house spending 15 minutes per room with a laundry basket to catch all the stuff that is misplaced. Also through out the videos above, I used a lot of my own homemade cleaning supplies, but there are also other things I use too. In the videos below you fill find all the cleaning supplies I use and make! 

I hope you got a few tips and tricks that will make cleaning for your company a little easier! Thanks for watching! 

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