Spring 2014 Fashion Haul! VIDEO

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hello everyone. I know time is moving right along today so I thought I better share this before it gets too late! Wednesday I went out with Scott who just wanted to make me feel a little better. Some people think I had this speedy recovery Wednesday but the truth of it is... I took 3 loratabs while we were out and being in the car was not easy or comfortable. However, I had a good time with him and we both ended up getting a lot. It wasn't too hard walking around but I bet I took over an hour slowly trying everything on! Anyway, if you want to check out my Spring Fashion Haul, enjoy the video below! 

Thanks for watching.. have a great night! 

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1 comment on "Spring 2014 Fashion Haul! VIDEO "
  1. You got so many cute things. I love Old Navy.


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