Dear God, Yesterday was the 20 year mark that Jeremy has been gone. Time passes fast and it still seems like yesterday. I miss him. I miss so many people who are with you now. I hope your taking good care of them as you are me. I am blessed in every aspect of my life and I couldn't be more grateful for the wonderful family and friends that surround me. I would be lost without them.
Dear Shanna, I hope your moms test come out ok today. If you need me, call anytime. I love you and know that you are totally stressed out but remember everything we talked about.
Dear Jackson, You know... you are seriously the cutest most loving little boy on the planet. I just melt with your smile and giggles. HOWEVER... you are still grounded until at least next Wednesday. Stay out of trouble and you will be fine! I love you.
Dear Self, you need to exercise a little more. I think it will clear your head on crazy days. Remember that unless they really know you, their opinions don't count. Lies will be told and you have to deal with it. Move on and stay positive.
Dear Brittany, I am so very proud of you for making the cheer leading team. We had no doubt that you would! You are doing so good. Just keep yourself focused on college princess. I know its still a bit away but keep your focus and you will go far. I just know it.
Dear Scandal, YOU WERE FREAKING AMAZING LAST NIGHT. I am going to go crazy waiting on you to come back on again. It was soooooooo good!
Dear Trina, I haven't talked to you in a bit! I'll have to call today or tomorrow. Miss you!
Dear Blogger, I am seriously thinking of leaving you for Word Press. More on that later. I have loved you for years but you need to add more blocking widgets - plugins. I think we should have a say over who comes to our blogs and if we are being bothered or stalked, we should be able to block them. STEP UP YOUR FREAKING GAME.
Dear Blogger, I am seriously thinking of leaving you for Word Press. More on that later. I have loved you for years but you need to add more blocking widgets - plugins. I think we should have a say over who comes to our blogs and if we are being bothered or stalked, we should be able to block them. STEP UP YOUR FREAKING GAME.
Dear Doggies in this VIDEO, you are seriously the cutest ever. I loved it and might have to train Super Cooper to do it the same way! All 4 of you were kick ass amazing!
Dear New Neighbor Friend, Thank you for being so sweet yesterday. I am happy to be making friends around here. God knows, I am not fond of many of the neighbors but you were super sweet.
Dear Nancy Grace, I do believe you want the best for kids and victims but you are going a little overboard on the pot issue. Shit. Don't you realize that most Americans want it legalized? Calm down.... its not like anyone is trying to pass you a joint! :) And I still love you!
Dear Dad, I have learned a new way of living without you. I was just telling Shanna that relationships don't end when someone leaves our changes. Maybe I am crazy but I still have you in my head.. in my heart.. and I know you can hear me. I am as sure of it as I am that the sun will set tonight. Its just different. You just better be there to take me to the other side one day. I miss you so much.
Dear Jordan, You did it this time. See you in a couple weeks.
Dear Mom, I am so excited you are coming up. I just need my mom just as I do with my grandfather ( dad ) . You are the closet person to me besides Scott. As long as I have you both, I am always loved, protected, and free to be myself. I love you. I can't wait to see you!
Dear Missing Flight 370, I really think we are close to finding you. Your families really need to know what happened. I know you guys are on the other side but you know.. you could help point them where to go. They need closure.
Dear Grandma, I am so sorry we don't talk like we use to. Its really hard to understand you most days and I hate putting you on the spot trying to answer questions. Just remember that I love you and think about you every day.
Dear Romeo, You are seriously the coolest cat of the bunch. We all love you so much. I tease everyone because your feet rarely touch the floor. Everyone who sees you... just wants pick you up and cuddle you. Your purrrrrrrrrfect! :)
Dear Blog/Youtube Friends, Thank you guys for being so kind to me. I am amazed everyday by you guys. When I am down, you lift me up and put a smile on my face. This is truly a wonderful community to be a part of. Thank you. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter! And if you are new here, say hi sometime! I love getting to know you guys too. ♥

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