Oh, Beautiful Mountains...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I really consider myself really lucky. Living in South Carolina has been so pretty. I can stand out on my front porch and can see mountains in every direction. Many of the plants and trees never lost their color so winter doesn't look quiet as bad for us. I woke up super early to drive Jackson to school and I was in awe of the glorious morning mountains coming home. It such a beautiful state to live in. Anyway, yesterday was a big challenge with the boys. Jackson had issues at school that you can check out on my glam gossip vlog from yesterday and my older son is just being a big pain in the ass. Gosh just happy to have a new fresh day! However, I am not sure how much better the boys will be today but I am moving on either which way. I expect Jackson to make mistakes often.. he is young and still learning but my older son knows better. I think he needs more therapy to help him work through his issues but honestly... I get the anger more than anything else from him. I don't think he understands how to show his feelings well so I shrug off most of his bullshit but deep down he does know better. I bet little Brittany is just happy to be out of the firing line this time! 

Already today I have folded a load of laundry, and put another load in the washer. I also picked up the 2nd floor bathrooms and made all the beds. Glad to have those jobs done for the day and now I can move on to other things on my to do list. Lists do give me such a great road map of how I want the day to go. It doesn't always work out exactly how I have planned but I accomplish so much more if I write things out to keep my thoughts organized. Today is going to include:
  • Spend an hour in the office cleaning it up.
  • Film February Household Favorites
  • Run to the dealership later this afternoon.
  • Clean 1st floor bathroom
  • Clean all mirrors 
  • Do a quick kitchen pickup and try out the new Swifter Wet Jet
  • Start working on Friday Letters
  • Brush out all 4 kitty cats
I hope you have a wonderful Thursday...I'll be around today posting videos and freebies...stay tuned!

Here is some inspiration to take along with you today! 

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2 comments on "Oh, Beautiful Mountains..."
  1. Hope you get it all accomplished. I will be doing a list here soon. I have so much going on through my mind it isn't even funny. Love and Miss you guys and I am glad to hear that you are liking SC better. The scenery does make a big difference.

  2. The young ones usually have issues at school (I'm youngest) and the older ones are always a pain in the ass! Haha.
    South Carolina looks beautiful. c:
    Do you have any valleys?



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