How to $ Save $ Money by Making Your Own Cleaning Supplies! - VIDEO -

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hello friends! I hope your night is going well. I decided to go ahead and post this tonight even if it is almost 10pm... I know a lot of you are night owls such as myself! So I am here with my Homemade Cleaning Supplies. These are super simple to make and most of you probably have the products in your homes already to make these. The nice thing about making your have a lot of product left over to make many more bottles throughout the month costing you a fraction of the cost to buy them. Everything is in the video and the recipes are in full below!  

As I mentioned in the video.. I totally forgot to make my homemade furniture polish so I will do a quick video on that in the coming days! 

Here are the recipes:

Be sure to let me know if you are interested in more homemade cleaners along with bath products and such! And if you have a homemade cleaner and want to share it.. leave it in the comments below! 

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1 comment on "How to $ Save $ Money by Making Your Own Cleaning Supplies! - VIDEO - "
  1. Great recipes! Thanks for linking up at Take it on Tuesday!
    ~ Betsy @ Romance on a dime


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