Housewife Confessions: March Marriage Goals- Video -

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful evening! Its been raining here all damn day and its COLD! Anyway, I thought today I would link up with Jessica over at Life of a Sports Wife  for her Marriage Goals linkup! I am doing this one by video, which I hope she doesn't mind but I thought it would be really nice to join in. I have done a ton of married life post.. if you are interested in checking any of those posts out.. click HERE!  Marriage is hard.. and setting goals each month gives us something to work towards. So if you want to check out my March Marriage Goals.. enjoy the video below!

Thanks for watching!

Marriage & Relationship Goals

Be sure to join up!

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1 comment on "Housewife Confessions: March Marriage Goals- Video - "
  1. Your goals are so great! Communication, affection and date nights are so important and I have made all of those my goals in the past! Thanks so much for linking up and I can't wait to read more about you!


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