Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great afternoon! I am here with a Dollar Tree Haul Plus one Odd Ball that I thought I would share with you. The Dollar Tree is such a great place to find inexpensive items for just $1 each. I could seriously shop there all the time! I know everyone is waiting on that food haul but I am still figuring out the meals I would make with the food from there. Its totally edible and there are some great finds food wise in the Dollar tree but doing a week of meals from there for a family will for sure be challenging. Honestly, it will be a lot of canned and frozen food which might be ok for a night or two but for a full week. YIKES! But I will try it in some kind of food haul from there in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you want to see what I got on this shopping trip, enjoy the video below!
Thanks for watching!

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