Broken, Beat Up, & Destroyed..Glam Gossip Vlog March 27, 2014 + 3/26 Vlog

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hello friends. I am here today with yesterday's vlog. It wasn't such a good day for me and I am really happy to be home and resting. If you want to see what I am talking about enjoy the vlog below. 

Thank you for all the youtube comments, love and support. I am working on feeling better but taking today really really easy. 

Also with the wreck, I didn't get a chance to post Tuesday's vlog on here so here it is, in case you didn't get a chance to see it. And I was in a much better mood. :)

I have to say thank you to all my family and friends for being so supportive. I love you guys. 

Take some time to explore My housewife Life Youtube Channel. Check out all my recent videos in the first row and browse through all the different categories of videos (like Beauty, Cooking, Pets, Trips and much more!) located in the bottom rows. You can also subscribe to my Youtube Vlog Channel  where I post daily vlogs of all sorts! Be sure to subscribe to both and be the first one to learn about new videos!
4 comments on "Broken, Beat Up, & Destroyed..Glam Gossip Vlog March 27, 2014 + 3/26 Vlog"
  1. Oh my goodness. I did not read blogs for a couple days and just saw this! I am praying for you to have a speedy recovery. I am sorry this happened to you.

  2. Kisha:

    You are lucky you are alive with the way your car looks.... I am so glad that you were not hurt worse than you were. Please, please.... wear your seat belt now..... I hope that you have a speedy recovery with minimum pain.


  3. Just wanted to come and say hi and check up on you....sure hope you're feeling ok and taking it easy :)

  4. I am so glad you were not hurt more than you were. Please get well soon and rest. XO


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