Friday Letters

Friday, January 31, 2014

Dear God, We got through another week huh? I know each day is a blessing even when I am not happy with how things are going. I keep trying to remember that my life plan/schedule is in your hands more than mine. I just fool myself thinking I am in control. Thank you for keeping my kids and family safe and for my many blessings. Dear Dr. Phil, Yesterdays show was so sad..and I am sure today's continuation will be just as sad. I don't understand how those kids made it out was a miracle to say the least. Dear Jackson, I am so proud of you. Your teacher called yesterday and told me how proud she is of you! We are all proud of you. Dear Shanna, Thanks for being such a great friend to me. I love you and I am thankful you listen to me ramble on day after day! Dear Mom, I think I have it figured out.. can't wait to call you later today! I love and miss you! Dear Cooper, You really had us worried but you seem to be feeling better. We are keeping a close eye on you! Dear Brittany, I miss you so much. I think I am going to get in the car and make my way to you. I am very proud of you for your good grades and good behavior. You are truly my princess. Dear Scott, I miss you when you're at work....its time for a vacation. Dear House, with each passing day you are looking better and better. Its exhausting cleaning you but it feels good to have it done. Dear Jordan, another week has passed. You know, courage is contagious. I love and miss you. Dear Body, you are getting old and hurting more than you should. I seriously need to make some big changes. Dear Trina, I miss you. I really wish we lived closer. Dear Camera, Thanks for breaking...I know I was tough on you but I seriously expected you to hold out longer. I'm going to buy a new one today. Dear New Purse, have I told you how much I love you!? Your perfect! Dear Zane, We miss you! I hope your doing ok! Dear Kitty Cats, You guys are the cutest ever but yet drive me crazy at times. Dear Self, You need to get going with the yoga routine because it will probably make your body feel better. Stop dragging your ass about doing it! Dear youtube/bloggy friends, Thank you for always been a wonderful support system. I have found that so many of you are inspiration to me. I appreciate every click on this blog... every video you watch.. and every comment you leave. I know we all learn from each other and you guys mean a lot to me. Thank you.

Have a wonderful Friday!

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