Friday Letters

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello friends! Here are this weeks Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy!

Dear God,Thank you for another week of life. I know how important each day is and even though I don't always show it or feel it.. I am thankful for the time I had with my family this past week. I know you are leading me where you want me to go and I take comfort knowing that. 

Dear Polar Freeze,I think its crazy how cold it is in the US right now. I hate getting shivers and I know our heating bill is going to be crazy...again. But I would rather pay more and be warm than freeze all the time. But you could let up a bit so it can warm back up! 

Dear Body, I really don't understand you. I get feeling ok for a few days and then its back to little/no sleep and feeling like shit. I really need to sleep better at night which would also put me in a better mood during the day. Could you please cooperate?

Dear Scott, Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you for taking Jackson to school this past week. God knows you are so much better on morning shift than I am. I am glad things are settled down around here where we are getting along a little better. I love you very much and I hope we have a great weekend together. 

Dear Justin Beiber I know you are young with tons of mistakes to make but drinking and driving is just not a mistake that any of us should be making at this point. There are so many kids on the roads that you really need to consider that. I drove around like a crazy person at your age making plenty of mistakes too but things change when your own kids are on the road.  Please start thinking about others. 

Dear Trina, I miss you. You know I will be calling you tomorrow for our weekly catch up! :) 

Dear Jaggers Family Animals,You guys are so adorable but soooooo crazy! I think you guys are so adorable and I could spend hours upon hours cuddling with you. BUT...please stop meowing outside the bedroom every morning. There is a reason you are not allowed in. I have to sleep and you guys don't care and use me as your personal jungle gym! So no more meowing in the weee hours of the morning!

Dear Jordan,You know, I keep wondering what to do about you. I know you are on here all the time. I know it was YOU...( and you know what I am talking about ) and I know you are struggling to figure out who your family is. Let me be clear. You have an entire family that you don't know who loves you very much. We have been waiting for years and I suppose we will wait as long as it takes. We have always wanted you.. We have always thought about you.. and I wish you would break away and come get to know us. We love you. 

Dear Wrinkles,I don't mind getting older at all but you popping up across my face is not so funny. I am giving myself this year to not have bangs but next year I am going to grow them up to cover up the wrinkles! You SUCK.

Dear Mom,I wonder what all the secret phone calls you and Scott are having are about. I am sure you won't tell me being its a suprise for me but I promise I can keep a secret! I miss you and wish we lived a little bit closer to each other. 

Dear Shannon,So I am not going to bash you too bad on here today however....I am so sick of your shit. We are not your atm.. we are not friends...we are not your business unless your son is here. Letting him read private adult emails is just pathetic and you better hope that kid doesn't grow up to hate you. 

Dear Brittany, I love you princess. You and your brothers are the best things I have ever done. Every day I become more proud of the young lady you are. Remember are still just 12 years old not 20. I want you to enjoy your childhood and not grow up so fast. I guess social media has really helped with bring kids along but you are a kid. I know I expect a lot from you but you are my hope. You are the strongest and I know you have an amazing life ahead of you. Just stay on track with your plans and keep making good grades because college will come so much faster than you realize. 

Dear Dad, God knows... You know.. everyone knows how much I miss you. I don't think anyone could have guessed what an impact you would have in our lives. I cry over you almost daily..Jackson tears up often from all the great memories you guys made together. Joey before he died, was extremely close to you.. and all I can say is that has to be a tribute to a life well lived. I hold you in my ♥... I hear you in my head and thoughts and I take you everywhere I go. Come see me in my dreams. 

Dear Laura,I have to say you are one of the sweetest people I know. I am so blessed that you are a part of my life and I am happy about the relationship you and your dad are forming. He loves you so very much and I love you too. Can't wait to see you again! 

Dear Shanna,I would be so lost without you. Thank you so much for being there for me and always being a true friend. You always want whats best for me.. you always are supportive.. and I love you for your honesty. I always need to run my bad ideas past people and you are right at the top of the list! 

Dear Jackson,I am so proud of you for how good you are doing in school. I know you don't like art class but once you get into high school, you will realize art class and classes a like are escapes. Who cares if your self portrait is not perfect. You are perfect no matter how you draw yourself.  But keep trying in school. You are there to fill up your brain with facts to get you through you life so listen well! 

Dear New Calendar
I paid big bucks for you and I am hoping we can make it through 2014 together! Hopefully you will help keep me organized and together on the busiest days! The new year is in full swing with new schedules and new possibilities for the upcoming months. I am looking forward to using you and making the best of 2014!

Dear YT/Bloggy Friends, I am so thankful for each and everyone of you. You took a hobby of mine and helped turn it into my passion. I know blogging or making videos is not life saving or anything but its very important to me and our life. I have found that sharing our experiences with you all, has helped you too. I think we can all learn from each other and grow so I thank you for visiting this blog.. my youtube channels.. and making this such a wonderful experience. I don't plan on going away for a loooong time so I hope to share many more days with you. If you are a blogger or have a youtube channel be sure to leave me a comment anywhere so I can come check you out too! 

Have a great day.. I'll be back soon with more blog posts and videos.. stay tuned! 

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