Dear God, Thank you for a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I hope to become a better me in 2014 and know that I am going to need all the help from you that I get. Please be patient with me... lessons learned are never easy. But I promise to strive to be a better person everyday.
Dear 2013, I am glad we are moving past you. In so many ways, you were a very difficult year. I have to admit, I am happy about moving into a new year. I am trying to really examine life in 2013 and to avoid some of the same mistakes in the new year. I want to grow and do better.. better.. feel better.. and I am leaving all the problems of 2013 in 2013. Goodbye.
Dear Mom, Glad you had such a good time at Marjories. Thank you for thanking her with your pretty gift. She loved it and I totally appreciate everything you do for our family. I would be lost without you.
Dear Kevin & Marie, I am not scared to address you both on here. I wish you would stop thinking the world is a terrible place. You have family, including us that loves you. I think we owe it to each other to remember how Catherine would want things. Scott and I are sorry for upsetting you but we were in the right to say what we did. We are all family...and would should fix it before something happens and its too late.
Dear Brittany, I love you so much but blowing me up with those messages the other night was a bit much. I hope I made myself very clear on the phone last night. Your father and I are still your parents and we expect respect, manners, and good grades. Don't forget it.
Dear Cold Weather, Wow.. you have totally set in . The other day Cooper stayed inside all day long sleeping and never wanted to go outside to use the bathroom. Thats saying something because he loves cold weather!
Dear House, How in the world do you get so messy so fast? I sure hope we can work something out with the woman who might start cleaning it. I know many people think its a huge privlage to have someone cleaning our home once a week but this is a big ass house.
Dear Colorado, I can't believe you are legalizing pot. I hope all the other states follow suit. I have said for years that if you legalize it, tax it, each state will be able to get out of debt and our jails wouldn't be near as full over some natural tobacco.
Dear Jackson, I love you.... sorry you are hating your new chore list but too bad. You live here, you help make the messes and you can help clean them up. And think of it as punishment for not doing good in school.
Dear Trina, Thank you for always being there for me to talk to. I love you and just wish we lived close to each other.
Dear Laura, I miss you and the girls. I hope we can get together sometime soon. Move to Colorado with us! :)
Dear Kitty Cats, I have to figure out which one of you guys are leaving and which ones are staying. Very hard decisions ahead of me. I don't know how I am ever going to figure it out.
Dear Scott, last time I checked, you are NOT a Dr. Just because you and some old dealership drunks determine that Jacksons medication needs changed... doesn't give you the right to call and change anything. Jackson has a team of Drs and that does not include you. Sorry.. go to medical school if you want to play Dr. And don't do it with our kids.
Dear Shanna, I love you. I love our long talks and I would be totally lost without you. Thank you for being one of those friends who never judges and who has always been there for me. I can't even begin to tell you how much that means to me.
Dear Youtube/Bloggy Friends, I hope you had a great Christmas and New Years! I love hearing from you and I love getting to know you too. I have made some amazing friendships along the way and I hope to form many more in 2014!
Dear Shelby, here I come. I hate making the drive but Jackson really needs his medications.
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