PINCHme: FREE Samples of Pantene Expert Collection and Gevalia Caramel Macchiato K-cup

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Pinch Me (a site that gives you the opportunity to discover new products and try them for free with NO subscriptions!) is once again offering up a FREE sample box plus FREE shipping! I was able to log into my account and snag a sample box that includes a Pantene Expert Collection sample AND a Gevalia Caramel Macchiato K-cup sample. Awesome!
*Note that you will need to verify your account (only if this is your first time to sign up) by receiving a one-time confirmation code on your mobile device and may take up to 5 minutes to arrive. Allow 14 days for sample delivery
I just got my last box in the mail a few days ago....stay tuned because I will share it in next months Monday Mail! 

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